In James Hillman’s beautiful book, The Soul’s Code, he describes a way of thinking about symptoms and disorders that restores the dignity that Western medicine takes from madness. He claims…
I have tripped and fallen many times over the same knotty root, that bulges up from time to time in the path of my sustainable recovery: how to find the…
Enjoy this healthy and delicious baked curried bananas recipe from our Chef and Nutritionist Anne Masri! It’s easy to make, not too messy and takes less than an hour! If…
I love this quote by Nisargadatta Maharaj. This is such a great reminder of how beautiful life can be if you live by these principals. I used to have an…
Be yourself and love who you are! Don’t judge, don’t compare, don’t worry! That is your mission! To boldly go out and be yourself! I know this is a daunting…
“The Idea of Karma is that You Continue to get The Teachings You Need to Open Your Heart” ~ Pema Chodron Before my recovery from substance abuse and love addiction…
Who am I really? I am Consciousness. I am pure love, light and beauty. I am infinite and unknowable. I am the unmanifest experiencing the illusion of human form in…
I knew nothing about yoga therapy five years ago. I started practicing in rehab at 48 years old with sciatica down both legs and degenerative disc disease in my back….