Individual Shamanic Healing

Individual sessions combine energy medicine, chakra clearing and rebalancing, guided visualizations, crystals, and inner guidance to bring healing, clarity, and grounding to the client. Using music and visualization, clients are guided to a deep state of relaxation where the subconscious mind comes forward so that we can clear old programming and rewire the brain through neuroplasticity, with positive, life-affirming scripts through activating healing.

The subconscious mind is responsible for 90-95% of our experience. Our conditioning from ages 0-7 (up to 14 potentially) is stored in our subconscious and these are the stories that are running the show behind the scenes, without our awareness. In shamanic healing, we invite the subconscious forward as the spirit guides so that we can identify and release painful memories, beliefs, and stories to activate healing. We can then plant new seeds that are in alignment with our current selves and who we want to become. Individual sessions might include:

Chakra Clearing With Crystals

A healing process for clearing imprints from the luminous body, which is the energetic system that includes the chakras and the energy field that runs through and around the body. Crystals can absorb, store, transmit, and transmute energy. Deliberate crystal placement on the chakras amplifies supportive frequencies to open and clear the energy field.

a-woman-meditating-during-the-sunsetConnecting With the Inner Guidance System

Using music and guided healing meditation, clients move into their inner world to access intuition or divine guidance (this can come in the form of images, spiritual guides, sensations, sensory experiences, and insights). Clients can receive information and answers that can help them move forward with clarity and confidence.

During shamanic healing, soul retrieval can take place by removing physical illness. A shaman will need helping spirits in the middle world to assist with your overall healing. Only you can allow the spirit guide to lead you into a trance state and their spirit world as you embark on a shamanic journey to healing. A shamanic healer will travel to the upper world to receive guidance on your soul retrieval taking place.

Meeting Highest Self

During the shamanic journey, clients will meet their highest self to ask questions, gain wisdom and confidence, and see things from a wise knowing perspective before merging with this sacred version of self. A powerful place for healing, forgiveness, insights, expansion, and a better understanding of who you are.

To receive this kind of spiritual healing and energy healing, a shamanic healing session needs to take place with a shaman. Connecting with your highest self will require leaving your physical body and physical world to access something much greater. You will have to increase your belief system and be willing to depart from your everyday life to communicate with spirits in other worlds.

a-teen-woman-meditating-in-the-fieldHealing with the Sacred Feminine

Healing with the Sacred Feminine – A shamanic healing experience that guides you to embrace your Divine Feminine aspects holistically with a shaman.

Women are guided by the shamanic healer to harness the Sacred Feminine within, which holds a highly transformative power to heal many wounds and traumas, as well as empower women to embrace their sacred essence. Shamanic journeying will require shamanic healers to apply shamanic healing techniques. Shamans perform shaman acts on human beings of the Middle world. In the upper world, is where our healing spirit guides are. In the lower world, the shaman can converse with spirit animals in the spirit realms. This spirit realm is often tapped into during a shamanic healing session with a shaman to incorporate healing.

The Healing with the Sacred Feminine and shaman experience allows women to tap into:

  • Accessing their creativity and healing.
  • A deep connection with themself as a woman, especially if she was a lost soul.
  • Explore and heal their feelings towards the feminine.
  • Heal the “mother wound” which is accessed in altered states.
  • Examine their perception of their femininity.
  • Listen to emotions.
  • Connecting with their intuition can play a significant role.
  • Cultivate openness, love, compassion, and gentleness towards themselves by incorporating healing spirits.

Healing with Sacred Oils

Healing with Sacred Oils is an ancient shamanic healing experience using the spiritual alchemy of essential oils.

Essential oils hold powerful aromatic codes that allow one to access the emotional self and release trauma through the subtle sense of smell. These healing spirits give access to a non-ordinary reality and a spiritual world that requires trance states to receive. As you embark on this shamanic journey, the spirit guides you. The shaman is devoted to your healing.

The oils used are “activated” from a spiritual perspective to work deeper than “regular essential oils” – oils are picked specifically for the environment and setting to ensure that a safe container is held to guide clients to a deep, yet healing experience. This spiritual component is an ancient practice performed around the world to help women access other realms and explore different cultures.

It is a shamanic tradition to get into a spiritual realm with a shaman that is after healing. During shamanic training, shamanic practitioners engage in a shamanic practice to get to a healing ceremony. During our healing ceremonies, shamanic healing works to restore and renew various cultures. Many cultures are indebted to helping spirits in the spiritual realms.

Villa Kali Ma Supports Shamanic Practices in San Diego County for Healing Women

During shamanic healing work, a shamanic practitioner will incorporate shamanic techniques and discuss shamanic cultures for healing with you. There have been shamanic studies that have been improved upon since indigenous culture. Many shamans can access animal spirits and utilize plant medicines for healing purposes. A shamanic practitioner can communicate with the spirit world and with ancestors to help bring positive change in your life.

A spiritual healer may tap into their spirit animal during a spiritual practice. Spirit animals are located in the lower world. A shamanic practitioner can commune with the spirit world for spiritual healing. Shamans act on connecting to spiritual worlds by incorporating a set of tools called core shamanism. Indigenous cultures utilize religious practices that can assist a woman who had a near-death experience and needs healing, wisdom, and direction, incorporated by a shaman.

If shamanic healing doesn’t align with your religious practice, it is completely understandable. Similar to not trusting an untrained practitioner with plant medicine, it is important to be mindful of your healing.

A shaman can assist women with healing through various methods. Here at Villa Kali Ma, we are into healing women struggling with trauma, mental health, or substance abuse. A shaman has intuitive abilities that can help them on a spiritual journey. Learn more about how we help women, contact us today for your healing.


I don't believe it to be an exaggeration to say that Villa Kali Ma saved my life.
I couldn't have asked for a better environment to heal and redirect onto a path towards true living.


This place completely changed my life. I needed a drastic change from the typical recovery environment in order to stay sober long-term. I can honestly say that I love who I am today and I am forever grateful for Villa Kali Ma!


I am so grateful I found Villa Kali Ma, it has truly changed my life. Kay is awesome and the entire team who works there is absolutely amazing. If you need treatment, I highly recommend making this the start to your recovery.


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