Shame and guilt are some of the most difficult emotions we experience. It is very distressing to feel like we don’t deserve love and belonging, or that we have been very bad and need to be punished for it.
Shame and guilt are some of the most difficult emotions we experience. It is very distressing to feel like we don’t deserve love and belonging, or that we have been very bad and need to be punished for it.
There are times when to be alone is just what the doctor ordered. To sit in a well of presence in the simplicity of solitude is necessary at times, to replenish the spirit and body. This kind of aloneness is luminous and full, allowing us to connect more deeply and enjoyably to all of life.
Holiday depression is another name for the blues, a special kind that comes around starting with Thanksgiving and peaking around Christmastime or New Year. The melancholy among us can have a rough go over these weeks, and even the cheeriest among us might feel it too.
For some women in recovery, the holidays represent pressure, stress, and temptations. We understand why! Here at Villa Kali Ma, though, we’re of the opinion that women can have genuine, heartfelt fun during this season of celebrations, all without drugs, alcohol, or drama.
At Villa Kali Ma, we offer a wide variety of methods for healing from addiction. Our program is integrative in nature, acknowledging the fact that many alternative healing therapies work well together.
Every woman alive is a daughter. Daughterhood is a deep and archetypal condition, a form we fill out, each in our own ways. All mothers are daughters, too. The relationship between mother and daughter is like no other. For better or worse, the mothers out of whose bodies and psyches we were forged will always be a source further upstream from us, a wellspring that feeds into our own lifestream.
There is a reason that nearly 12 million women in the United States alone qualify for an alcohol use disorder. The way that alcohol affects the mind, body, and mood is addictive, generating the phenomena of craving, tolerance, and withdrawal.
Here at Villa Kali Ma, we celebrate women in every way. We love women fully, without any shade of reservation, as we are now.
Our love for women embraces many stages of life that all women pass through.
Women are affected differently than men are by addiction, mental illness, and trauma. That’s part of why we here at Villa Kali Ma believe so deeply in our mission: to provide healing and treatment services by and for women.
Women can be pregnant, and also be helplessly addicted to alcohol, prescriptions, and street drugs. Is this you? Is this someone you know? Don’t worry, you are not alone.