So many terms are thrown about to describe the same struggle that almost 20 million Americans face. So what exactly is substance use disorder, and how do you know if…
Family relationships can be complicated. When someone you love is struggling in their relationship with alcohol, you may not be quite sure how to handle things. Today, we’re answering the…
It always hurts to be in pain, but when you’re feeling the sharpness of chronic pain alongside addiction concerns, it may feel like you have nowhere to turn. The relationship…
Have you experienced the power of a positive mindset? Miracle, synchronicity, happy accident– these are some of the names we call it when life works out in our favor. Can…
Everywhere we look, we see evidence of the fact that some maladies of the human heart are best cured by groups. What is the secret power of the human gathering?…
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy works with thoughts, interpretations, and outlooks – everything relating to the mind. It also works with behaviors, healing the actions we take and the patterns of habit…
Anxiety and depression are common burdens for human beings, and while they are painful, the good news is that they are very responsive to help. Professional assistance in the form…
The road to recovery looks impossibly long from the path you’re walking now. Sometimes, it doesn’t feel worth it when you consider all you’ve already endured. There are so many…
Feeling the struggle of the winter woes and wondering if it’s just you? Chances are, it’s probably not! Even in sunny southern California, the daylight hours dip this time of…
Trauma is a global phenomenon. It does not discriminate by the money you have, your education, or even the value you place on the world around you. Trauma can happen…