Substance Abuse

Women and Alcohol: 10 Dangerous Health Risks

You may be familiar with the general dangers of drinking alcohol, but are you aware of the dangers specific to women? Alcohol can quickly turn into an unhealthy habit, develop into an addiction, and cause serious health problems.

If you find yourself drinking more often than you would like, or recognize that you can’t seem to make it throughout the day without downing a drink or six, consider exploring the benefits of joining a detox program for women and starting your journey toward a healthier, sober lifestyle with an alcohol treatment professional.

In this article, we’re exploring the many dangers associated with consuming alcohol, specifically women and alcohol.

Women and Alcohol

It’s just a simple glass of wine after the kids go to bed, right? When we’re dealing with stress from all aspects of life and going through a particularly difficult time, it makes sense that we may find ourselves drinking more. One glass every now and then easily turns into a couple of glasses a few nights a week. The more consumed, the more dangerous it becomes to our overall health.

It is common to think that drinking a few drinks here and there could be harmless. After all, alcohol is such a socially acceptable thing to do that it happens every day without people giving it a second thought. According to the CDC, heavy drinking is defined as 8 or more drinks per week for women – which is a number many women reach. The truth is, whether you consider yourself an alcoholic, alcohol-dependent, or neither – alcohol consumption can pose dangerous health risks — especially to women.

Here are 10 dangerous health risks associated with women and alcohol. 

1. An Increased Risk of Breast Cancer

Drinking more than 3 servings of alcohol each week increases the risk of breast cancer according to a study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association. For those with a family history, the risk is even greater. What’s more is that alcohol has been known to increase the risk of mouth cancer, throat cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, and more. It is safe to say that alcohol is a known carcinogen

2. Leads to Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky gut occurs when the gut lining is permeated and begins leaking bacteria and toxins into your bloodstream. This can impact the immune system, sometimes maybe even leading to autoimmune conditions. A few symptoms are bloating, fatigue, digestive issues, food sensitivities, and skin problems. 

Alcohol can be harsh on your system and can very easily cause holes within your stomach lining – resulting in leaky gut syndrome. 

3. Breeds an Imbalanced Gut Microbiome

In addition to the leaky gut syndrome, the ecosystem of your gut is impacted even more due to alcohol consumption and an imbalanced microbiome. This can actually lead to things like cravings, depression, and anxiety. 

Researchers are discovering that the cravings associated with gut issues can lead to increased alcohol consumption – and may even lead to addiction. Learn more about alcoholic gastritis.

4. An Increased Risk for Dementia

Studies show that heavy alcohol use can cause the brain to shrink for both men and women. However, in women, this shrinking occurs at a much faster rate. The parts of the brain that are most susceptible are

  • The cingulate gyrus – AS a component of the limbic system, this area of the brain is responsible for the formation and processing of emotions. 
  • The insula – The area of the brain that works to achieve balance, as well as emotions like compassion, perception, and empathy. The insula is also responsible for certain areas of cognition, motor control, and self-awareness.  

All is not lost, though. Reducing alcohol consumption can allow the brain to recover what it has lost. 

5. The Risk of Developing Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are fairly common in women. But, for those who consume a lot of alcohol, the risk of developing these fibroids is much greater. 

Alcohol consumption increases the level of estrogen – both estrone and estradiol – in the body which is what researchers believe is responsible for the higher incidence rate for fibroids in those who drink often. 

6. Damage to the Liver

The liver works hard to filter blood from your digestive tract, careful to remove any toxins to keep you healthy. It is well-known, however, that alcohol can cause a huge disruption in liver function. Chronic alcohol use can eventually lead to a condition known as cirrhosis of the liver, as well as liver failure. 

7. A Greater Risk of Infertility

Women who consume alcohol at an elevated rate are at an increased risk for menstrual irregularity and miscarriage. This also increases their ovulatory factor when it comes to reproduction. This factor refers to the ovaries’ lack of release of an unfertilized egg each month. 

According to a study published in the American Journal of Public Health, women who are considered moderate drinkers have a 30% increased risk of the ovulatory factor while heavy drinkers have a 60% increased risk.

8. Higher Risk of Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a painful medical condition in which the lining tissue meant to protect inside the uterus is actually found outside the uterus. It leads to painful monthly periods, painful sexual intercourse, general pain, and even difficulty getting pregnant. 

Many studies have been conducted and have determined that the risk of endometriosis is 18% higher in drinkers than in non-drinkers. Just as it occurs with brain health, endometriosis risk can be lowered. 

9. Risk of Stroke is Elevated

For those who consume alcohol regularly, the risk of stroke is increased. Several studies have tried to monitor this connection – and all have come to the same conclusion that alcohol increases the risk of stroke. 

10. A Reduction of Lifespan

Alcohol can be damaging to your health and, thus, affect your lifespan. And it is not just heavy consumption that leads to this reduction in years. Studies show that, after the age of 40, every extra drink you take could be taking minutes off of your lifespan. 

Chronic alcohol consumption can be dangerous – and deadly. 

This list doesn’t even touch on the impact alcohol consumption has on a woman’s mental or emotional health. Or, the increased incidence of sexual abuse or violence that may occur – and the damaging effects it has on the body. 

If you feel that you may have a problem with alcohol use or would like to talk to somebody, then it is time to take that first step. Find a program that will allow you to heal – mind and body (like we discussed in #3 above) – so that you can be free from your addiction. 

What may start as a social activity amongst friends could turn into a deadly addiction

Alcohol poses serious health risks for women. Between stroke, reproductive issues, increased risk for cancer, gut issues, and more – there is no safe reason to continue alcohol consumption. 


How to Forgive Yourself

Despite how critical it is to our healing, often we are not taught to forgive ourselves. 

We are told, however, the value of “forgive and forget” and the importance of forgiving others.  It’s impressed upon us the weight that carrying those heavy emotions will take its toll, and we must let them go in order to move forward. So why does it feel so unnatural to turn that same forgiveness inward?  

It’s important to forgive, but your forgiveness shouldn’t always be reserved for others. There’s a second half to it, one too often hanging in unspoken air, lingering like an incomplete breath. Your forgiveness, kindness and understanding is also for you.  

When you’re subject to a scenario in which someone or something else has caused you harm, navigating the responsibility you may feel for your role in the conflict and granting self-forgiveness can feel tricky or overwhelming. But when you are the one in need of forgiveness, where do you begin? 

What does it mean to forgive yourself?

As forgiveness research has developed, the subfield of self-forgiveness has taken on its own definitions and space. Self-forgiveness is defined as a “restoration of self respect” (Hall & Fincham, 2005) but it’s not a single step. Forgiving yourself happens in distinct stages: 

  1. Uncovering. Recognizing a shortcoming may include a strong series of emotional reactions like guilt, anger, denial, blame or shame. Acknowledging a problem is the first step in solving it, and that’s what happens in this first stage.
  2. Decision. When you decide to move past those negative emotions, you’ve reached the stage that allows space for changing your behavior, action or approach. This stage is the turning point in the process of forgiveness.
  3. Work. Actively applying the tools you recognize and gather in the decision-making stage may manifest in many forms, but all of them will involve putting in the work of having compassion for yourself. Creating acceptance and fostering support is critical in success in the work stage of forgiving yourself. 
  4. Outcome. At this final stage, you see the fruits of your labor. You have moved through the hard processes of self-forgiveness and can apply them to a new outlook and the journey that follows whatever harm you needed to forgive. 

These stages occur in a distinctly phased pattern that requires you to move through a curve of emotions, realization and effort before you can truly reach the enlightened spaces of forgiveness. 

How do I do that? 

In order to navigate these stages, there are a few critical truths that will help prepare you for navigating the hard, important work you must do. Realizing that this work isn’t optional, and that you have been denying yourself the power of your own forgiveness, is a powerful mantra with which to begin. Try repeating, from the very first moment of this journey, something that helps you to feel both accountable and worthy of your time and attention. 

Use Mantras

A mantra, like, “I am flawed and still valuable” or “I can be accountable and compassionate to myself” may remind you of the duality you must impress into the experience of forgiving yourself for the pain you’ve caused in your world. In recovery, feelings of self-worth can be hard to come by, while blame is an old friend. Reject that binary and instead insist that worth be clipped to the heels of blame. In order to feel self-blame, you must also feel self-worth. You are worthy of being forgiven. You are worthy of boundaries. You are worthy of accountability. 

Those things may hurt in the gravity of applying them. Accepting accountability and enforcing boundaries feels like punishment, but in reality, it’s a reminder that you deserve to heal through the pain you’ve caused with compassion- even if you caused it to yourself. 

Exhale empathy, but not compassion

To forgive yourself, you will need to remove your extreme empathy for your actions, as it may lead to defensiveness. While it may seem counterintuitive, not allowing yourself to lean too heavily into empathy for the way you’ve harmed yourself will allow you to create more helpful boundaries around the ways you move forward. While it’s true that you were once operating the best way you knew how, you now know better, and you should expect more from yourself moving forward. 

Let go of that empathy so that it cannot become a defense dressed up in fancy clothes. Choose accountability and compassion instead. Show yourself that you deserve softness, even amid a hard experience. Acknowledge the wrong you’ve done without trying to justify it and make a clear plan for the ways you can do things more gently in the future.

Apologize to yourself 

And mean it. A genuine apology without an excuse or explanation (even if you know them) can go so far in soothing the pain you cause yourself no matter the magnitude of the hurt. 

Forgiving yourself is a journey, but if you wish to move forward in your life, it isn’t an optional one. Both shaming yourself and avoiding accountability are power-players for your addiction, and moving forward with recovery will flourish under the compassionate guide of healing. Your self-forgiveness is a powerful tool you are worthy and capable of wielding to keep recovery moving forward. As you move through the stages of recognizing hurts and responding in new ways, let us support you.

Substance Abuse

Marijuana: The Real Cause of Your Anxiety

As marijuana is rapidly legalizing across this nation and others, the quiet commonality of using it to unwind is growing ever louder. Alongside recreational use, medical use of marijuana is on the rise but the risk awareness education regarding potential side effects doesn’t seem to be. Despite its reputation as a harmless substance with low addiction risk and high chill-factor, marijuana has risks just like every other substance. Let’s walk through the lesser known repercussions of marijuana use together so you can make an informed decision about the way you manage your body. 

Marijuana is known by over 100 names, but most commonly called weed, pot or mary jane. It’s known as cannabis in medical fields and in recent years, the discovery of a physiological system called the endocannabinoid system has led to debate about the way our bodies use and process the elements in marijuana. The system seems to impact sleep, mood, memory, appetite and reproductive functions. While there are notable benefits to the medically supervised use of cannabis in supporting these functions as well as collective of other indicated uses, there are drawbacks as well. 

Not addicted but 

While marijuana is touted as not having addictive properties, and those who use it often defend their reliance upon it with this assumption, it doesn’t mean that all use is healthy. The removal of the terms addiction or dependency from health fields does not negate the very real impact of Marijuana Use Disorder. Depending on marijuana to relax or unwind still indicates use that is necessary to achieve desired states and, as such, disordered. 

Whether you are calling it disordered use or addiction, relying on marijuana to unwind or create a favorable mood is not ideal. 

It calms me down but 

While marijuana may create an out of body experience or feelings of relaxation, there are downsides to the potential mood alterations that it can induce. Ever feel anxious or agitated after smoking a little green? Yeah, that tracks. 

It’s a bit of a mixed bag on how marijuana may impact your mood so even though it calms you down, the potential is quite high for that calm to bring along some chaotic friends. Marijuana use may also lead to feelings of apathy and fatigue, particularly in withdrawal or between long abstinence from use. When the high wears off, those hours of lost motivation may contribute to the feelings of stress and strain you began with as now you’re behind too. 

I feel better but 

Does your body? With a broadening pool of research indicating the potential for heart and lung impairment when smoking marijuana, your perceived health may not be an accurate depiction of your actual health. It may not be everyone who is impacted by the wheezing tightness of breathing difficulties after engaging in some recreational marijuana use, but the chance it may be you is higher than you might have thought.  The risks don’t end with tight lungs though. The endocannabinoid response in the cardiovascular system can also lead to a higher heart rate, dilated blood vessels and a temporarily increased risk of heart attack shortly after use. 

Additional risks to your fertility, the delicate structures of the mind (including sleep and memory patterns) as well as a generally balanced immune response could exist for some folks using marijuana on a regular or frequent basis. 

A being at odds 

While the body and mind can’t seem to make a concise decision on the impact of marijuana to your whole self, it’s difficult to make an informed decision. Even the research seems to go back and forth. The positives of managed marijuana use are undeniable in managing things like chronic pain for patients with long term diagnoses like Fibromyalgia or endometriosis. In other diseases like Parkinson’s, it may support tremors and marijuana’s antiemetic properties reduce nausea in cancer patients. Verdict’s still out on research indicating a positive correlation in treating PTSD with medical marijuana, but there is one very clear determination to be found amid the muddle. When you are using marijuana, being risk aware is an accountability check to managing your choice making no matter the reputation of the substance. 

It’s clear that marijuana has its place and use, but the importance is in being smart with making your decisions. Ensure you are cultivating a positive relationship with anything you are engaging in to support a deficiency in your world. Whether it’s marijuana, peanut butter or yoga, being negligent in supporting an informed relationships with the tools you use for improvement can enable them to become a crutch of avoidance.  If you are using substances to avoid confronting life, we want to help you work through those dependencies. 

Mental Health

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Depression in Women?

There are several signs that will alert you to the presence of depression in women. However, there are also several different types of depression and other factors that might make it difficult to identify what you’re feeling and why.

In this article, we’re exploring one of the most common questions we hear – what are the signs and symptoms of depression in women?

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Depression in Women?

There is a stark difference between being sad and being depressed. We all have days that are hard, days when we want to stay in bed all day, or even cry ourselves to sleep. Life can be tough. But these momentary feelings of doom or sadness are not always depression. They are temporary. Joy eventually comes and things seem to find their balance once again. 

Depression, though? It is not so easy. It is something that needs much more attention and can have a much bigger impact on your life. And the fact that more than twice as many women experience depression as men is something one should keep an eye out for. 

So, what are the signs and symptoms of depression in women?

Symptoms of Depression: Gender Differences

There are signs and symptoms of depression as it affects women that vary from the general signs and symptoms of men. Women tend to be more emotional, internalize their feelings, and may try to continue moving through the motions of life as a way to not show weakness. Of course, women also have times in their lives when there is an influx in hormones – such as menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause – all factors that may contribute to depression.

Major depressive Disorder is a mental illness that is diagnosed very frequently. The DSM-5 lists diagnostic criteria that must be met for a mental health professional to diagnose someone with this disorder. Five of the symptoms below must be experienced the majority of the time over a two-week period.  

Common signs and symptoms of depression according to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America (ADAA) are: 

  • Feelings of sadness, low mood, and loss of interest in usual activities
  • Change in appetite, losing or gaining weight
  • Sleeping too much or dealing with insomnia
  • Fatigue and low energy on most days
  • Feelings of worthlessness, guilt, and hopelessness
  • An inability to focus and concentrate that may interfere with daily tasks at home, work, or school
  • Movements that are unusually slow or agitated, as noticed by someone else
  • Thinking about death and dying; suicidal ideation or suicide attempts

Signs of Depression in Women: What Does it Look Like from the Outside?

Depression looks different for everyone. We all have our own ways of dealing with the symptoms – and how they manifest in our lives. So, despite the guidelines listed above, there is no list of signs to look out for if you are wondering if a woman in your life is struggling with depression. 

Paying attention to the symptoms and diagnostic criteria above can give you an idea of what to look for. Though how it looks is going to be different for everyone. 

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is similar to but more severe than, PMS. Along with a monthly change in hormones, PMDD can present the symptoms of depression – lasting a couple of weeks each month, starting about a week before the period comes. 

Someone with PMDD experiences depressive symptoms in addition to the following: 

  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Aggression
  • Out-of-control feelings
  • Sensitive emotions
  • Elevated physical symptoms of PMS

Postpartum Depression

A lot of hormonal changes take place with pregnancy – and after. It is normal to feel hypersensitive and be on a temporary emotional roller coaster. But when the feelings of depression are persistent and extreme, it could be postpartum depression. In fact, according to the ADAA, about 13% of women may experience postpartum depression.

Someone with this condition has depression symptoms in addition to: 

  • Panic attacks
  • Feelings of guilt or shame
  • Feelings of being a bad mother
  • Lots of crying for no reason
  • Mood swings
  • Aggression
  • Difficulty bonding with the baby
  • Feelings of wanting to hurt oneself or the baby

Perimenopausal Depression

Transitioning to menopause can also be a tough time for women. There are, again, a lot of hormonal changes that take place. This time of change is known as perimenopause. And while there are many symptoms of this change of life condition, such as: 

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Weight gain
  • Mood swings
  • Low bone density
  • A drop in cholesterol
  • Menstruation irregularities

Depression is not one of them. If the symptoms of depression are experienced, it is not a normal part of going into menopause – and treatment should be sought. 

Depression in Women: Things You Should Know

Just to clear the air when it comes to depression, there are a few things you should know. 

  • Depression is real and should not be dismissed. 
  • You can’t just make yourself be happy to overcome depression. 
  • Depression can physically hurt your body. It’s not just a mental thing. 
  • Depression will affect each woman differently.
  • You can treat – and beat – depression. 

Depression Treatment: Address Co-Occurring Disorders

Women who are dealing with depression may also be dealing with something else, too. Depression doesn’t often walk alone. Alongside depression, you may experience an anxiety disorder, eating disorder, or substance abuse disorder.

It is hard to determine which condition came first, since depression may lead someone to use a substance to self-medicate. However, alcohol and other substances are also known to induce depression. Despite the order in which the disorders developed, treating depression and co-occurring disorders need to be addressed at the same time. 

It is time to find healing within the whole body. Major depression is not something anyone wants to tackle alone. And, when it is combined with substance use, the treatment is even more delicate. Remember that depression affects women differently than men and should be treated differently, too. 

If you find yourself drinking more or abusing other substances as a way to self-medicate uncomfortable feelings associated with depression, consider reaching out for help. Discover the benefits of joining a holistic treatment program for women today.


How To Start A Gratitude Journal

Journaling is one of the most versatile and beneficial ways you can engage your mind and body in support of your mental wellness. When introducing the practices of mindfulness and gratitude, it can be an excellent tool to make those things into an active process. 

Don’t know where to start? Learning how to start a gratitude journal begins here, whether you’re already practicing journaling in your recovery or this is your first foray. If you’re ready to manifest magic with your gratitude, we want to give you the getting started tips that will make your hope into a habit to carry you to new heights. 

Start small 

When both journaling and gratitude are new to you, start both with a micro step. So micro, in fact, that it doesn’t require any tools or forethought. It requires nothing but you, your heart and the life you’re already living. Begin (or end) each day with a single thought: 

I am grateful for… 

Finish that sentence any way you wish. It doesn’t have to be a big gratitude. Sometimes, isolating and lifting up the little things can be more helpful in recognizing the miniscule permanence of your ability no matter how much you’ve struggled. 

So what are you grateful for? Right here, right now. Just think it. 

Look at that, first step done and you’re doing great already. 

Make some choices 

There are a few key choices to make in navigating the infinite world of journaling, and they’re each a part of the art of tailoring your relationship with your words and yourself. 

1. What medium do you want to use? 

You have lots of options for the space and format in which you want to keep your journal and there is no wrong way.  

If you’re thinking digital, this can take many forms. Whether you choose to use the notes app on your phone, a multi-access platform like Google Docs or an app designed for journaling, your phone is always in the palm of your hand and ready for your use. This is a great option for brief, consistent forms of journaling where you may want to note each small gratitude in the moment. 

Analog options are also plentiful. Choose a notebook you love- maybe it’s the size, the design, the sentiment or even the feel of the paper. Involve the choice as part of the journaling experience and make that very act one that solidifies your gratitude. Use a pen or pencil you love, or even make it an artful experience. There is no wrong way to write down your thankful thoughts. 

2. How often do you want to do this? 

Will you journal daily? Multiple times a day? Maybe you decide you’d like to do Thankful Thursday or some other alliterative or less constant format for this practice. Does the morning feel best, or maybe just before bed? Perhaps you’d like to spend a little time in the middle of the day checking in with yourself and the life you’ve created.  

The frequency isn’t what’s important- setting yourself up for success by journaling on a schedule that suits your life is the real key in finding time to journal. 

3. Is there a length or format you’d liked to abide by? 

For some, keeping the grateful notes brief is the key to being able to create a routine around journaling. For others, a stream of consciousness time limit works more effectively. You may choose to write a certain line, word or page count or focus on getting a number of thoughts- maybe you want a list of grateful things. Beyond that, you can time yourself, or structure your journaling into other formats or forms that feel best for you. Just as the timing, there is no wrong length or form in which to be grateful. 

4. Where will you keep your journal? 

If you’re using an app or a phone-based journal tool, this one’s easy. But analog journaling can take a bit more thought. Consider putting your journal somewhere that’s easily accessible at the time you’ve decided to set aside for journaling. Perhaps that’s by your bed, in your bag or at your workstation. Ensuring you have easy access when you need it but can create the privacy you’d desire to write authentically is important. 

Be consistent

Once you’ve decided what’s important to you about your gratitude journal and gotten yourself set up, be consistent with the terms you’ve set for how you want to proceed. Try to stick to the time table, the schedule or the frequency you outlined as being important to your process so that you set yourself up for success and can adequately block out time to make space for your gratitude process. Consistency is a hallmark of success and repeating the action of documenting your thanks will help to create a Law of Attraction style success in manifesting more to be grateful for. 

While consistency is important, don’t forget to be compassionate with yourself. Being gentle and flexible with your needs and boundaries is valuable as well, and sometimes those things need your attention more than consistency. Offer yourself the kindness and flexibility of knowing when you need to change things up. Notice if something isn’t working for you, and don’t be afraid to offer those things gratitude and move on to something new. In your journal and your life, self-compassion and gratitude will always lead you toward success. 


8 Ways To Feel Happy In An Hour Or Less

In recovery, it can feel heavy to do the kind of work demanded of you. Factoring in this type of work as necessary to creating happiness in your life may feel a bit overwhelming, but even a moment can move you toward a long-term sense of fulfillment. While every experience has the potential to have a profound impact, not every experience requires profound commitments. 

Whether you are trying to build a fulfilling life, feel more content, or just experience a brief flash of happiness on your journey toward those things,  you have many tools available to you.  To use them effectively, it’s important to distinguish which kind of happy you’re prioritizing right now so you can move your energy toward the small tasks that will help you achieve it. 

There are small things you can do right now to feel happiness. The impact of some may be brief, tiny prisms in the sunshine, but others are long-lasting or build upon one another. Either way, they take minimal prep and can be done right now for a little boost of happiness—you are deserving of exactly that. Take what serves you, leave what doesn’t, and let your happiness take front and center, if only for a little while. 

1. Exercise. 

It doesn’t have to be a lot, as just seven minutes of moving your body is enough to get the endorphins and dopamine flowing. The emotional payoff and tangible sense of achievement can give you something to hold on to in the moment as well as continue to build toward longer-term feelings of happiness. Whether it’s a long walk, a HIIT circuit, or a balanced yoga flow, moving your body can make you feel happy. 

2. Eat some chocolate.

For real. Chocolate can improve your mood. Eating a square of dark chocolate can prime your brain to produce all the chemicals that help manufacturer happiness and improve your mood, as well as creating a distraction when you take a moment’s break to find and consume your confectionary sunshine. 

3. Label your emotions

Giving your feelings a name can help you address them head-on, whether good or bad. Sad emotions (and sad songs) can allow us space and permission to experience the world in its entirety. Balance is vital to genuinely feel the full scope of the world, after all. So take inventory of what you’re feeling and slap a label on it, then find gratitude for yourself in doing so.

4. Reach for a friend

Calling someone you love, sending a text, an email, or writing a letter can be a valuable way to reinforce a connection and bring about positive feelings that a relationship with something outside of yourself helps you feel. It’s also a helpful reminder that you matter to someone, which can go a long way in reinforcing your conviction in recovery. 

5. Make a done list. 

To remind yourself of all the things you’ve already accomplished, set aside that to-do list and make a list that shows you everything you’ve already achieved for a quick mood and confidence boost. 

6. Plan a trip 

You don’t even have to leave your comfort zone to feel the positive benefits of travel- the mere act of planning a trip can improve your mood. Taking the time to research, apply and coordinate the potential of a new adventure can boost your mood. Let your heart wander the globe, and take notes. Your next trip will benefit you now and then. 

7. Have an orgasm 

In addition to supporting your heart health long-term and improved sleep and a stronger immune system, orgasms can help boost your mood. By increasing the oxytocin and dopamine in your body, a little bit of self-love can profoundly impact your emotional state. Spend a little time on you, and carry that post-o glow right into a better mood.

8. Make a meal

Just like the done list, cooking a meal can give you a tangible product to boost your sense of productivity and create some feel-good instant gratification. Eating food you’ve made can give you a sense of power over your body and engage your mind in what you’re creating. Nourish your mind as you prepare to nourish your body. 

While feeling happy right now may not be the long-term solution or the golden ticket to your best life, it’s undoubtedly a little glimmer in the right direction. Take as many steps as you need to move toward fulfillment in your recovery. In the meantime, you’re worthy of the many moments of happiness you can gather and treasure.  


How to Be Happy With Yourself

Happiness isn’t something you can manufacture through a series of accomplishments, a milestone you can check off a prefabricated list or a commodity you can buy in any form.   You don’t easily stumble across something so precious.

A quick web search will turn up hundreds of results on “how to be happy” or “being a happy person”, but no internet search is going to help you find what you’re looking for. Can I tell you a secret? This article won’t either. You can be happy though. You will be, you deserve to be, and we will be right here as you navigate your path through recovery toward learning to be happy with yourself.

We don’t need to be happy to be loved 

There is a very real and pervasive theme in our society that there is an order to the way things must be achieved in order for them to be sustainable or acknowledged as deserving. One of the most damaging ideas to come from that theme is the one that tells us we must love ourselves fully in order to be loved

This is a lie. 

You do not need to be anything but yourself to be loved. If you are already happy, that’s amazing. Let that love enrich your happiness.

If you are still seeking improvement for yourself, there is nothing you need before you are worthy of feeling loved and supported by those around you. Some of us thrive most fully with a supportive hand (or a few) at our backs, reminding us that we are worthy of being loved and showing us how to love ourselves the way that they do. 

Feeling loved is not something that must wait for happiness, no matter which version of it you are seeking for yourself. You deserve love now, you are worthy of support now. There is nothing you must do to earn those things. 

“I just want to be happy.” 

This simple phrase has so much gravity that merely speaking it can level us and pin us to the ground. We feel achieving it should be just as simple as saying it. We’ve identified what we want to be- happy- so why can’t we be it? 

Happiness is a single word with an array of meanings that shift and flutter through our world like prisms of light. Each iteration of happiness unfolds and expands around us, all fitting within the singular emotion but defined by its own distinct parameters. 

Are you sure it’s happiness you’re looking for? 

While they may be less euphoric or immediate in their impact, other emotional states like contentment, fulfillment and satisfaction may result in a longer term positive sense of self.

Fulfillment is a state of being, where happiness is an emotion. While you may experience a range of emotions (happy, sad, frustrated, elated), you experience an overall feeling of complete trust in your path and passion.  Contentment, on the other hand, is a perspective. It’s the way we process our experiences and responses to create acceptance and gratitude for the life we live. Each is a distinct measure of positive worth in our own favor, and sought after in its own right. 

Sustainable happiness

If you are looking for the kind of happy that often goes by these other names, you may want to utilize tools that have a different kind of impact. To develop a content and fulfilling relationship with yourself, try these: 

1. Start a journal. 

Spending authentic time with your unfiltered thoughts goes a long way in getting to know them intimately so you can process and identify your emotions as you experience them.

2. Examine your core values 

Do what you need to do to uphold or reinforce the things that you hold dear. Whether they are morals, ideals or priorities, make them unshakable.

3. Learn the art of a boundary.

Saying no or even start saying yes to the things that help you engage them more actively in your daily life.

4. Give support

Sharing energy you can spare without depleting yourself through spiritual connection, volunteering or financial support of the things that help you to feel worthwhile in your life, body, and the universal experience going on around you. 

We are sold the goal of happiness to reach some sort of personal enlightenment. In our digitally connected currency, happiness is the pinnacle of achievement we’re all striving for, and it’s what we’re sold in new phones, subscriptions, books and media. 

What if happiness isn’t what we’re looking for, but we’re craving something similar that feels more sustainable. As you walk the road of recovery, it doesn’t matter whether you need happiness right now or want to move toward fulfillment long term, we are here with you




How to Stop Negative Self Talk

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.”

Despite age-old idioms, the voices around us have a way of sticking to our bones. What people say, the way they say it and how we feel when they do can build up or chip away at our confidence. When people we love say positive things about us, we glow—we want to be positive too. If they say negative things, we dim ourselves and the negative voices seem to stay with us longer. We can be 50 years old and still hear the judging voice of our mother, or the echoes of self-doubt left by a relationship from 20 years ago. 

Over time, these voices seem to imprint, and eventually, those negative words come from inside too. When it’s our own inner voice dimming our light, it affects more than our confidence. If your negative self-talk is dimming your heart and chipping your soul, keep reading for gentle guidance on how to overcome and glow. 

Confront the negative voice directly

When the only thoughts in our minds are negative or hurtful, it can feel challenging to find a stopping point. It’s easy to lose our way of balanced thinking, especially in recovery, when falling down that spiral of negativity that so easily consumes our hope. 

Instead of spending energy warring with the voice and allowing it to make us feel certain ways, take a moment to address the voice directly. 

Who are you? 

This question seems so simple, and it is. But how often have we stopped to question the authority of the voice trying to undercut your power, much less to ask its identity or purpose? 

  • Who are you, we ask, to tell me these things? 
  • Whose voice are you repeating from my past?
  • Who are you to make me feel bad? 
  • Who are you to threaten my peace? 
  • Who are you, and what makes you think you have power over me? 

The power of negative self-talk often comes from the voices of the past we’ve internalized. It’s rooted inside of our ego, tailor-made using words designed to injure. When we confront our ego and challenge its power, we can make it falter. By asking who it is—whose voice it’s stuck repeating—we can make headway in loosening the grip of the words it feeds us. 

You can’t talk to my friend that way 

Take a moment and consider the negative thoughts that have taken root in your mind. Would you say those things to your closest friend? Honestly, would you tell them to someone you tolerate? Some of the things I think I wouldn’t even say to my worst enemy. So why am I getting away with saying them to myself? 

The next time you find yourself thinking or (even more vital) believing the negative self-talk that narrates your experiences, refuse to go along with it. When you speak up, tell those negative words that you can’t talk to my friend that way. It may feel uncomfortable, but you are a good friend to your loved ones. It is high time to start being a good friend to yourself. If the things you’re thinking aren’t things you’d let someone say to your friends, don’t let them fly in your own head either. 

Mini mantras

Find little phrases to help empower the light that those negative thoughts try to steal away. Using short, easy-to-recall phrases to reinforce your power is an internal tool that requires no additional support to use. Over time, those mantras can become reflexive, so if you don’t believe them at first, that’s okay. Don’t quit- keep repeating the things that you’ve found to let the light in. 

Try phrases like: 

  • I am enough
  • I am capable 
  • I’m in control 

Reinforcing the positive traits that create the groundwork for believing in yourself is a fantastic way to undermine that negative self-talk now and begin to extinguish its recurrence as time goes on. 

Retrain your brain 

Speaking kindly to yourself may feel difficult and unnatural at first. Especially if you are used to being your own worst critic, making your way into spaces where you offer yourself support may feel foreign. It may even feel hopeless, but the effort to reprogram your thoughts can change not just your mind but legitimately rewire your brain

By speaking kindly to yourself, you can go further than just retraining your brain to think kind thoughts. You can actively shape your mind to bypass the impulse to offer criticism instead of support and create room for more love and confidence in the space your negative self-talk once took up. 

There is no single reason we develop habits that criticize our worth and capability. There is, however, one single truth at the root of dispelling their power: you are deserving of kind words and complete faith in your abilities. Whether you’re learning a new skill or working toward recovery, you are worthy of support, and we are here to help you find it inside your thoughts and out in the world. 

Substance Abuse

10 Signs of Alcoholism in Women

If you find yourself drinking more alcohol than usual, you may be at risk of developing long-term negative health conditions.

Alcohol use disorder among women in the United States increased by 83.7% between 2002 and 2013, according to a 2017 study sponsored by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).

Consuming alcohol is associated with liver disease, cognitive decline, heart damage, and cancers. If you suspect you may be drinking more than usual, there are several signs of alcoholism to consider.

In this article, we’re exploring several common signs of alcoholism in women and the importance of seeking help.

Signs of Alcoholism in Women

Women are strong beings that often find the need to prove themselves. They work hard. They take on more than necessary. They play many different roles, including the career professional, mom, wife, sister, best friend, nurturer, social coordinator, house cleaner, chef, and so much more. Many of the hats for these roles are worn on the same day. 

All of the demands combined with the ability to strongly feel emotions can lead some women to use alcohol as a way of coping with the stress. Used too often, though, and this escape can soon become an addiction. Truth be told, stress is only one of the reasons why women may become alcoholics. For instance, family history of alcoholism, sexual abuse victims, and mental health issues also lead women to drink. 

Here are 10 common signs of alcoholism in women.

1. Too Many Drinks

There is a difference between sitting down with a girlfriend after one rough week and throwing back a few drinks – and going out frequently to do the same. Regularly going out and drinking a few drinks can be considered binge drinking. For women, binge drinking can be defined as having four or more drinks within two hours. 

Ideally, one should be consuming no more than one drink. If it cannot be done, alcoholism could be at play. 

2. Drinking No Matter What

For most people, seeing that their consumption of alcohol is harming their life – or their loved ones – will be enough for them to stop drinking. For someone dealing with alcoholism, drinking does not cease no matter what. 

The loss of a job, ruined relationships, and even legal troubles do not matter. Nothing matters except having that next drink. 

3. Broken Relationships – and Still Drinking

It is no surprise that drinking can break relationships. Drinking lowers inhibitions and can lead to actions and painful words that cannot be taken back when sober. For the person on the receiving end, things could seem broken and irreconcilable. For the drinker? She may not even remember it happening. 

Regardless of how damaged relationships are due to alcohol, an alcoholic will continue to drink. 

4. Ignoring Responsibilities

Most women naturally have a lot of responsibilities. Home, work, and family are just a few. Though those who find themselves in the middle of addiction are often moving through life seemingly without a care in the world. Missing work, neglecting household chores, forgetting family moments, and so forth just happen – because alcohol is the priority. Rather than facing responsibility, their time is spent either drinking or dealing with the repercussions of drinking too much. 

5. Engaging in Risky Behavior

Drinking alcohol can lower one’s ability to function. When faced with dangerous situations, being intoxicated could have complicated and deadly consequences. Getting behind the wheel while intoxicated is one such instance of risky behavior. Maybe she thinks fulfilling responsibilities like grocery shopping or taking the kids to soccer practice while under the influence is better than not doing anything at all. 

6. Overlooking Health Issues

Alcohol abuse over time can take a toll on a woman’s body. Declining health due to damage to the heart and brain, cancers, poor nutrition depression, falls and brittle bones, can all result from this abuse. Sometimes, coming face to face with a medical condition can make someone stop what they are doing. For alcoholics, though, overlooking health issues and continuing to drink is all too common. 

7. Consuming Alcohol Early in the Day

Alcohol is one of those things that is consumed in the evening or night, with the occasional drink during the day on the weekends or while on vacation. Waking up to a drink is a sign of alcoholism. This is because it is usually consumed to combat the onset of withdrawal symptoms. 

8. An Older Appearance

Heavily drinking alcohol is not kind to the skin over time. Alcoholic women tend to look older than they are and often look tired. The face may be puffy or bloated and the nose may be red and bumpy. 

9. Menstruation and Infertility Issues

Alcohol consumption impacts a woman’s hormones, leading to sporadic or non-existent menstrual cycles and difficulty getting pregnant. 

10. Exhibiting Signs of Withdrawal

When the alcohol starts moving out of the body – and it is not replaced with anymore – withdrawal symptoms will start to kick in. Shakiness, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, cold sweats, nausea/vomiting, and more are the signs of withdrawal from alcohol. 

Healing From Alcoholism At Villa Kali Ma

Now that you’re familiar with some of the common signs of alcoholism in women, you can take steps to improve your health and heal.

Discover the benefits of holistic treatment at Villa Kali Ma and begin your healing journey. Whether you suspect you may have a problem with alcohol or you’ve been struggling to overcome addiction for years, Villa Kali Ma can provide the care and guidance you need to heal your mind, body, and spirit.

Substance Abuse Trauma

PTSD and Substance Abuse: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

It is not uncommon for those suffering from conditions such as PTSD to use substances like drugs and/or alcohol to self-medicate. While it may seem to be working initially, this can quickly lead to an addiction. 

For someone who has a co-occurring mental health disorder like PTSD with substance abuse, treatment needs to be planned in a way that will encompass all aspects of healing. 

Let’s take a look at PTSD and substance abuse. What does it look like? How is it treated? 

What is PTSD?

PTSD stands for post-traumatic stress disorder. This mental health disorder appears after one has been exposed or traumatized by an event or situation that caused a lot of stress. This may have been something that was life-threatening, violent, or causing severe injury. 

Those directly involved in a situation are the ones that typically experience PTSD. However, someone watching something traumatic take place is also prone to suffering from the condition. 

A few examples of situations that may lead to future PTSD are: 

  • Sexual abuse
  • Physical abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Violent crimes
  • Accidents
  • Grief
  • Natural disasters
  • Military experiences

Related: What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Signs and Symptoms of PTSD

PTSD comes with various symptoms and signs that vary from mood changes and avoidance to reactive and intrusive. It is very important to keep in mind that while individuals have to meet certain criteria to be diagnosed with this mental health disorder, symptoms and the way they are handled will vary from person to person. 

Below is a list of the most common signs and symptoms of PTSD

  • Avoiding specific people, locations, or events. 
  • Avoiding talking about certain topics or feelings. 
  • Lack of interest in things once enjoyed. 
  • Constant negative attitude or emotions toward others and oneself. 
  • Unable to remember the traumatic event. 
  • Disruptive sleep patterns. 
  • Psychological distress concerning the traumatic event. 
  • Nightmares or flashbacks.
  • Inability to concentrate. 
  • Self-destructive behaviors. 
  • Anger and aggression. 

PTSD and Substance Abuse

Many PTSD sufferers turn to something as a way of coping with the signs and symptoms we talked about above. They use alcohol or drugs of any kind to help make the painful and uncomfortable symptoms fade – even if only for a little while. They are often used: 

  • To be able to halt the ever-present thoughts about the traumatic event. 
  • To get some sleep without disturbances or nightmares.
  • To not feel the harsh emotions. 
  • To feel normal for a bit.  

Traumatic events are hard to talk about and even more difficult to try to face and work through. So, numbing becomes the go-to method for dealing with PTSD. Unfortunately, the more the feelings of PTSD are masked by substance use, the longer they will go unresolved. And the greater the chance that substance use can become an addiction. 

When Self-Medicating Turns to Addiction

Using drugs or alcohol as a way of self-medicating PTSD symptoms can quickly turn into an addiction without even realizing it. You begin feeling as though you cannot get through life without that substance since it is what helps you feel more normal. As a result, changes begin happening in the body make you crave the substance, unable to get through a day without it. 

If you have ever wondered when substance abuse turns into an addiction, here are a few signs and symptoms to look for: 

  • Inability to reduce usage or quit altogether. 
  • Using in place of activities once enjoyed. 
  • Strong cravings for the substance. 
  • Using the substance for a long period – longer than intended – and at a higher rate. 
  • Allowing the substance use to interfere with responsibilities to family or work. 
  • Putting substance use above physical health, relationships, and safety. 
  • Needing additional amounts of the substance to gain the desired effect. 

Treatment for PTSD and Co-Occurring Addiction

Seeking treatment is important for overcoming PTSD and addiction. A healthy life full of joy and contentment is a reachable goal, but both disorders need to be addressed in treatment for a successful outcome. 

An integrative, dual-diagnosis approach can allow individuals to use therapeutic tools like: 

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – A type of psychotherapy that helps modify thought patterns in an attempt to change thought patterns. 
  • Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) – A type of CBT that helps in processing the thoughts, emotions, and feelings that surround the traumatic event. 
  • Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE) – A type of therapy that helps trauma survivors understand that the emotions and feelings they hold about a certain event are not actually harmful – and they don’t have to avoid them.

While gaining this therapy and the tools that will come from it in relation to PTSD, the individual is also going through a program to help with addiction. This means attending meetings and additional therapeutic sessions to learn how to overcome addictive behaviors. Often, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is used in addiction treatment, as well. 

Treatment can take place in several ways, depending on recommendations, preferences, financial ability, etc. For instance, there are often different levels of treatment available such as: 

Inpatient treatment is a type of treatment that takes place while living at the facility. These programs have everything needed on site. This is the best, most thorough option to find healing. 

Outpatient treatment means living at home while attending a program. There are lots of tools available to treat addiction and PTSD without interfering with daily responsibilities. 

Group treatment/counseling allows one to learn and grow from the experiences of others while improving social skills and interpersonal skills. 

Individual therapy is crucial in finding healing. This is where you find CBT, PE, and CPT methods being used with PTSD.

Always discuss your situation with professionals to determine the best individual treatment program for you. 

A well-designed program for co-occurring disorders, such as PTSD and addiction, will have a whole-body approach to wellness. This inpatient, intensive program works the mind, body, and spirit. Working with therapists and professionals who have an understanding that someone is struggling with both conditions can help cater the treatment approach accordingly. 

PTSD and addiction each require a lot of attention and focus to get through, but with the right treatment approach, it can be done successfully. 

If you’re interested in joining a treatment program, contact Villa Kali Ma to learn more about our unique approach and discover the treatment options we offer.

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