How can a woman heal her spirit holistically?

At Villa Kali Ma, we know not everyone relates to the word “spirit”. That’s honestly understandable. Most of us have had mixed experiences with religion, churches, and spiritual communities.

We may have been raised in a religion that disappointed or hurt us, or never resonated with religion in the first place. We might find that we don’t relate to the language or the people we associate with the word. That’s all totally fine, there is a huge range of experiences possible with the concept of spirituality.

ord “spirit” points to is a potentially very beautiful aspect of human life. A personal relationship with the divinity of which we are also part and parcel is a birthright of being a human, part of our nature. It is up to us whether we want to activate or cultivate that component of our humanhood, but we should not feel that it is off-limits for us, because it’s available to all.

So if you have been longing to have more connection with your own spirit, in a way that’s just right for you, we encourage you! Likewise, if you have trauma around spirituality, as very many of us do, do not give up, it is possible to heal those wounds.

Most important is to know that each of us has the right to experience life through the lens of being a safe, loved child, cherished and guided by the kind, divine parent that our true spirit has the potential to be for us.

At Villa Kali Ma, we help women restore their spirits holistically, with respect and understanding for the fact that each human being’s relationship to the divinity within is totally their own, not to be interfered with or in any way encroached upon by another.

When healing spirit holistically, it can be helpful to keep three things in mind.

1. Make it Personal

Relationship with spirit should feel authentic, natural, and right for you personally. Talk to spirit in the way that comes naturally to you, and remember it’s a relationship. You get to know each other over time, and honesty is a crucial part of building intimacy.

Also, remember that we do not have to be better than we are now, to have a relationship with spirit. That’s part of the point of spirit – spirit loves us just as we are right now, no matter what, and will find a way to meet us wherever we’re at. There is no one in this world to whom the spirit will not relate if that person genuinely wants to connect with the spirit.

2. Keep Your Discernment

The deep, holy privacy of the union of each individual with the source is something that can’t be transgressed upon. Nevertheless, sometimes people or institutions who are motivated by deep, unhealed pain do try to control us or interfere.

What this means for us practically speaking is that sometimes we need to believe ourselves and the truth we’re holding, even when no one outside of us agrees with it.

We must honor our feelings, our perspectives, and what seems patently true or untrue to us, and ideally not suppress, deny, override, or try to bypass what we’re actually experiencing.

That often means listening to inconvenient feelings, watching out for love and light syndrome, and essentially taking the time to be real with ourselves when we are aware that something in ourselves, another, or our circumstances, feels off to us.

It’s hard for most of us to believe ourselves over what we imagine the rest of the people in a group are feeling, but that is exactly what is required, lest we become spiritually naive or mimic behavior because we think that’s required of us to belong.

Spirit does not ask us to be different from what we actually are, right now, and does not care whether or not the group approves of us. Spirit knows we belong with spirit, always, no matter what anyone else thinks.

3. Do Your Healing Work

Spiritual communities may unwittingly generate something called “spiritual bypassing”, in which we try to one-sidedly pursue the good side of life – gratitude, joy, whatever – and neglect the more painful truths of human experience.

To avoid getting waylaid in self-denial, self-suppression, and self-rejection in service of appearing spiritual to ourselves and others, it is very important to understand that while spirit helps us heal, we do have to heal, or else our wounds will turn our relationship to spirit into another trauma reenactment.

The shadows that lie unhealed within us are enormously powerful and to ignore them is flat out dangerous. So we must remember that while the spirit is a comfort, an inspiration, and a help in this life, it isn’t a fluffy, addictive, sugary high that makes our pain go away and makes us turn out to be fabulous after all. If we start feeling like that, we may be accessing astral bliss but are not actually progressing. In other words, we can all continue to learn the difference between the feeling of ego inflation and true spiritual expansion.

Why is nurturing the spirit important in holistic treatment for women?

Spirit is a powerful resource for healing. In many ways, the spirit is the best healing resource of all, because feelings of resonance and non-resonance, will guide us to modalities, practitioners, places, and spaces that are helpful for us personally.

Many times we will be led by intuition or synchronicity into alchemically-activating situations, to work with people or methods that we never thought we would. On the flip side, the therapist who was perfect for your friend could be the wrong therapist for you. With spirit by our side, we will be kept safely away from what is not for us.

Spirit helps us walk through life blindfolded, which we all are. Listening to our intuition, and honing what a “yes” or “no” from the spirit feels like to the body, we develop a strong inner guidance system that will steer us true.

To have nurtured our spirit is a great advantage when embarking on the adventures we need to have on our road to recovery, self-actualization, and greater fulfillment of our life’s purpose.

For all these reasons and more, Villa Kali Ma places great emphasis on nurturing a personal relationship with spirit, in each of our programs, without defining what that spiritual relationship is to be like.

Offerings for Healing Spirit Holistically

At Villa Kali Ma, we have many offerings that are perfect for accessing, developing, and deepening our spiritual gifts: skills like intuition, insight, creativity, mindfulness, and prayer. Below are some offerings that are especially suited to helping heal spirit holistically.

Equine Therapy

Equine Therapy is a special form of outdoor therapy, which helps repair and reset our relationship to our animal instincts, build bonds of trust, and regulate our nervous systems through the healing power of horses.

Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation, the practice of being still and allowing the thinking mind to quiet down so that we can hear and feel the softer, fuller voice and body of spirit, is a foundation stone of all spiritual traditions.

There are many, many variations of meditation, ranging from healing journeys and visualizations to mindful movement, to compassionate self-witness. Woven into our many offerings at Villa Kali Ma can be found the principles and practices of mindfulness, embedded to help support all of us to live with more peace, inner spaciousness, and delicious, full-bodied presence.

Labyrinth Walking Meditation

At Villa Kali Ma, we have a walking meditation labyrinth that anyone can use to help center and focus their spirits which we sometimes use in groups as well. It is very common to struggle with sitting still to meditate, and in certain stages of detoxification from the poisons of the mind, it can be frankly torturous. Labyrinth walking is a helpful alternative to sitting meditation, and also a mindfulness practice in its own right, which helps us experience physically the holy spiral into the core of our own being’s purest essence.

Sustainable Living and Garden

Gardening works on the spirit through its many metaphorically-rich activities.  Planting seeds, nurturing and cultivating, waiting for divine timing, harvesting, composting, and regenerating soil are all helpful ways for the body to learn firsthand what is also true for us, in spirit and material worlds both. Villa Kali Ma’s gardening program is a wonderful way to get grounded, literally.

Shamanic Healing and Journeying

Shamanic healing is an umbrella term for a variety of traditional indigenous healing methods that have evolved to blend with contemporary approaches to spirituality and psychology.

Shamanic healing facilitated by our practitioners at Villa Kali Ma may involve guided visualizations, energy medicine, chakra clearing, crystals, plants and flowers, music, and more. Shamanic journeying is for going deep into stuck patterns that are creating a blockage or illness, retrieving the spirit from wherever it has been bound in servitude to something we no longer choose.

Earthing Therapy

Connecting to the Earth’s electromagnetic field through direct physical contact between our bodies (usually our feet) and the earth, soil, dirt, stones, and sand has many powerful spiritual impacts, as well as biological and emotional effects. Our Earthing Therapy group guides this process for maximum impact and meaningful contact with the planetary body.

Love Soul Shine Workshop

Love Soul Shine Workshops teach women how to cultivate spiritual growth, creatively and with joy. These facilitated group happenings provide rich experiences of the flow state, through mandalas, earth art, and interactive play.

Life Purpose and Meaning

Finding personal life purpose and greater octaves of meaning within her lived experiences is part of every woman’s recovery story. At Villa Kali Ma we work with each woman to ask the right questions of spirit – deep, inspiring questions – and to help her receive satisfying answers that resonate and work for her. For all who have wondered who they really are and what they’re doing here.

Yoga Nidra Therapy

Yoga Nidra is a yogic sleep practice, wherein we enter a form of deep, yet awake, relaxation, akin to the hypnotic state. Through gentle postures and extended savasana (corpse pose), we are guided to pass through brainwave states normally reserved only for full sleep. In this state, we can powerfully restore our health and observe the contents of our core psychological and mental programming.

Goal Setting and Journaling

Therapeutic journaling is an effective healing and spiritual growth technique that can be used not only for resolving and letting go of the past but also for setting goals and discovering compelling personal visions for the future. Through stimulating creative prompts and suggestions, Villa Kali Ma’s journaling group helps each woman access her inner truth and make decisions about where to go from here.

Recovery Support Group Meetings

Recovery from addiction requires that we find a positive community of fellow recoverers who help us remember the dangers of addiction. Our recovery community also gives us love and connection while encouraging us to keep going toward our freedom and joy. For that reason, Villa Kali Ma provides access to recovery support communities like 12 Step, Smart Recovery, and Refuge Recovery during your stay with us, so that you can begin to make connections that will last beyond your treatment duration.


Villa Kali Ma Offers a Holistic Spirit Program for Women

Healing from addiction, mental health disorders, and trauma is a hard job, but it does have some upsides. One of those upsides is the restoration of a relationship with what’s most real, true, exciting, and wonderful about us – the core essence of who we are.

At Villa Kali Ma, our treatment journey is also a holistic spirit-healing journey, one that guides us back to the heart and soul of everything that matters in this life.

It was the best 30 days of my life.


Villa Kali Ma provides a holistic, supportive, therapeutic retreat for women to recover from trauma & substance disorders. The intensive and comprehensive approach provides a compassionate path of learning, awareness, and self-love for healing. I am grateful for the sacred space provided for my reflection, my mind-body-spirit work, and my opportunity to connect with other women in this process.


Villa Kali Ma changed my life in every single aspect. Not only did the experience help me get sober and stay sober for over a year now, but I was finally able to work on my past trauma in a safe and stable environment. Not a day goes by that I’m not using a healthy tool they taught me. I am forever grateful to the staff and strong women I spent my time with there. Truly the most profound life changing month of my life.


Villa Kali Ma is an in-network provider with Anthem BCBS, Multiplan, First Health, Healthnet, and currently accepts most
PPO plans with out-of-network benefits. Call (760) 350-3131 for information on cost and payment options.