We’ve been there. You feel your blood pulsing as the anger rises and then- wait, what? Why am I crying? If you’ve been caught out and are fed up with…
We’ve been there. You feel your blood pulsing as the anger rises and then- wait, what? Why am I crying? If you’ve been caught out and are fed up with…
The longest day of the year is here. Are you ready? On June 21, Summer officially arrives and with it, we’ll get more than four extra hours of sun! Summer…
From volunteering your time to donating money, calls for altruism seem to be a core part of society yet it might be unclear what that means? And if altruism is…
The Negative Narrator Do you often get the sensation that maybe you’re inferior to other people somehow? Do you treat yourself like you’re bad-hearted, stupid, a loser, ugly, selfish…..and and…
Whether you’re feeling out of sorts or looking for a checkup to affirm your progress toward holistic healing, this wellness quiz is just what you need! Along the road to…
What’s the connection between wellness and happiness? If you are well, does that mean you are automatically happy? Our understanding of the human experience leads us to say probably not,…
Mindfulness is more than a state of being. It’s an art, and while many of us love the idea of mindfulness, the implementation into our lives is not as seamless…
When we make the decision to be authentic, we course correct towards very different coordinates. We head towards more adventure and more vividness, deeper friendships, and greater meaning. Leaving behind…
Spending time in nature is like spending time in our own, truest inner nature. Shepherding our physical bodies into the safe space of a pretty wilderness, park, or garden, refreshes…
Nature is good for the mind, body, and soul. When we let ourselves have free time in nature, we enjoy more equilibrium, health, and peace of mind. Nature can also…