Spotlight on Body The body is the most basic, primary, and important aspect of our human experience. In order to have the human experience, we must be in a human…
Spotlight on Body The body is the most basic, primary, and important aspect of our human experience. In order to have the human experience, we must be in a human…
The AA Slogan first things first is one of my favorites. Like many of the AA slogans, it is almost deceptively simple. And therein lies its elegance. What is first…
The key to easy breathing is understanding how to breathe right. If you are looking for ways to anchor better breathing into your body, it can be helpful to harness the…
Take a moment to picture a small infant sleeping peacefully in a safe, soft bed. Observe its belly, gently, fluidly, evenly expanding and contracting. Do you still breathe like that? …
Thoughts in the Background Women with addiction tend to struggle with negative thoughts. It’s part of why we’re prone to reaching for substances to help us feel better. If we…
I have a love-hate relationship with meditation. On the one hand, I have had so many positive experiences with it. On the other hand, many days when it’s time to…
Human beings are made for friendship. The company of others makes our lives warmer, more light-filled, and resonant. Friends can surface qualities in us that otherwise stay submerged. They bring…
We are all breathing every second of the day, whether we are thinking about it or not. So what does it mean to do breathwork if breathing is an automatic…
What if I told you that the power of observation may be the secret you’ve been looking for to unlock the magic in your world? Through the profound and already-present…
The experience of storytelling is magical, and when you’ve got your pen in hand, a kaleidoscope of possibility is open to you. We invite you to join us on a…