What is a support network?
The Yoruba proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” can be applied to recovery and childrearing. It takes a whole community of people to help each of us get and stay sober!
The good news is that growing a living, breathing forest of healthy relationships is one of healing connection, relational repairs, and restoration of our sense of belonging.
One of the most powerful remedies to the deep alienation and loneliness of addiction, a support network brings resilience, capacity, and joy into our embodied sense of the world we inhabit.
What is a healthy recovery support system?
A healthy recovery support system is abundant, flexible, and strong. There are different types of relationships inside a support system, ranging from close family members like spouses or siblings to addiction professionals who are part of your treatment team. The largest portion of a healthy recovery support network will be made up of sober peers, mentors, sponsors, and friends – others who are walking the recovery path, too.
You can think of your support system as radiating out from you like the strands of a spider web or a bird’s nest built to hold you safe and cushioned. The threads and fibers of the web or nest are the relationships you form and secure with people. Some people will be bonded to you in a close relationship – these people are close to the center where you are. Others will be a bit further away from you, less intimate, but still part of how you are held safe. A good support system has many secure, flexible fibers, creating an overall bouncy resilience that can withstand some wear and tear.
What is the importance of social support in recovery?
Social support is the most protective factor in recovery. Individuals who complete treatment and follow it up by continuously nurturing and leaning into their support system are significantly more likely to succeed as compared with people who complete treatment but return to living in relative isolation.
That’s why every good treatment program will insist upon the importance not only of using the tools learned in rehab or IOP but also in continuing to show up for the process of embedded relating with other positive people.
If you’re wondering why this is the case, consider that neuroscience confirms what addiction professionals and people who recover successfully have observed for many decades: It is vital for our emotional, mental, and even physiological well-being that we connect and co-regulate with other healthy humans every day.
Dr. Stephen Porges, the psychologist who studied and formulated the Polyvagal Theory, writes and speaks about the overwhelming evidence that we humans are animals made for social engagement. When trauma, addiction, or mental illness shuts off our access to basic communing with other human beings, we suffer and deteriorate dramatically.
Addiction inhibits our ability to form social bonds and to lovingly nourish and protect the ones we have. Once we get into recovery, we are given the gift of the chance to regrow our relatedness, recovering not only from addiction but also from isolation.
How recovery groups work?
Recovery groups are free, peer-led, self-organized communities that gather regularly for healing co-support meetings.
Recovery groups are where you can find other people who have “experience, strength, and hope” to share about what their addiction was like, how they got better, and how they live in the joy of the solution now.
Because it is part of the recovery process to help others, through sponsorship and service work, recovery groups include many people who are further along down the road than we are, who have been through the challenges we are facing now.
These more experienced people can offer guidance, listen to our truth without getting triggered into judgment or fear, and provide basic comfort and connection.
Most of all, recovery groups are a place to share emotions and struggles anonymously, in a nonjudgmental environment, among others who understand from their own experience what it’s like to struggle with addiction.
Recovery groups that are based on the original 12-step or AA model follow certain patterns and principles which might be called “best practices for healing together with others”, in which anonymity, safety, freedom, and inclusion are emphasized.
Other kinds of recovery groups are facilitated support groups and therapy groups (these usually require a fee, but not always).
What addiction support system services are available?
When you complete a treatment program, you will ideally be connected to what’s called an Aftercare Program, such as the one we offer at Villa Kali Ma for all of our program participants.
In Aftercare Programs, there are opportunities to touch base with your treatment team periodically, as well as chances to hang out with other sober peers.
Depending on the program you participated in, there may be ongoing individual therapy, relapse prevention groups, events, and celebrations, which you can attend as you bridge into your new life.
How is a healthy recovery support system built?
Building a healthy support web or nest is like weaving a basket – we do it twig by twig, strand by strand, slowly securing connections and braiding them in.
The first circle of relationships will probably be made up of our treatment team, professionals upon whom we allowed ourselves to first rely as we began to rebuild a sober life. Hopefully, these relationships helped us feel, at the body and heart level, what it’s like to have someone in our corner. Our therapist, a facilitator we felt especially safe and connected to, or another person on staff at the therapy center might be an important twig in our nest. Other people in our inner circle might (but also might not!) include family members, old friends, or our spouse. We all have different family and relationship histories, so whatever is true for you, try not to judge it.
After leaving treatment, we will ideally lean into the recovery community where we live by attending frequent 12-step meetings, going out for coffee with new sober friends, and forming a close relationship with a sponsor.
Every time we sit in a circle of other recovering people, and every time we linger a few minutes afterwards to help put away the chairs or connect with someone whose share resonated with us, we will be adding twigs to our nest. The more twigs we can add, the more protection and guidance we have through our early recovery experiences.
As we expand our network of recovery relationships, we may extend into friendships with people who aren’t addicts themselves but who can be part of our support nest for other reasons. They might be work friends, someone we meet in a yoga class, or a positive family member with whom we find ourselves able to be safely close.
All in all, we can think of support network-building as an ongoing, living, and breathing process that will happen slowly but surely by continuing to take small steps of connection and relating.
What are the steps to building a solid support system during addiction recovery?
A support network is best grown with patience and understanding. Each tiny connection will lead to more connections, and each time we take the risk of connecting with another, we grow our capacity for it. Here are some thoughts for getting started.
Step 1: Go to Meetings Every Day
In the very beginning, just consistently showing up is key. Sooner or later, we’ll discover glimmers of closeness and familiarity, noticing people we like or resonate with. This will all lead us gradually into more socially engaging behavior. We will find ourselves looking around more, maybe even smiling, making our first forays into connection.
Step 2: Introduce Yourself in Meetings
It can be tempting, even when we’re going to meetings, to stay quiet. That’s fine for a short while, but it’s good to let people hear our voices and to learn our names, too. We might not be ready to share, but we can always introduce ourselves.
It’s good to say to the room that we’re new and that we’d like to get connected to the community. Whenever we speak a need out loud in a meeting, the chances are higher that someone comes to us with an offer to connect or an idea for what we could do to get integrated.
Step 3: Share Your Story
When you’re ready, share a piece of your recovery story in meetings. Connection is built through small disclosures of who we are on the inside, and there’s nothing more intimacy-building than honestly disclosing what we think, feel, and experience.
When we allow others to glimpse the tender, imperfect pain and beauty inside us, people can resonate with us. We might even inspire or comfort them. When people resonate with us, they often reach out to tell us so or to begin the relating process with us.
Step 4: Go to Sober Social Gatherings
People in recovery rooms often go out to dinner or for another meal together after meetings, and newcomers are always welcome. If you linger after a meeting, chances are that you will get invited.
There are also often sober barbecues and other seasonal events, which are chances to socialize and connect. Socializing in recovery is very different than any other kind of socializing because no one requires you to put on a false front. You can be very raw and real when you hang out with sober people, and no one will be ruffled by it.
We just need to be around people. This will stimulate and grow our ability to connect and relate, and even if we don’t fully realize the effect it has on us while it’s happening, just seeing other smiling faces and hearing people talk and engage socially is enormously regulating.
Step 5: Ask Someone Out on a Friend Date
It is very likely that if you ask someone sober for a while to get coffee, they will say an enthusiastic yes. People with a few years of recovery under their belt highly value any chance to be “of service”.
This means they will be more than happy to listen to you, help you get connected to other sober people, tell you about meetings you might like, and give you all kinds of tips for getting through challenging situations. Sitting with you, hearing you, and accepting you just as you are right now, without placing any coercion, will be a positive experience for them. Try it and see for yourself!
Step 6: Get Lots of Recovery Phone Numbers and Call One Every Day
Most meetings circulate a phone list or otherwise share contact information. Some members will put their phone number down as a way of indicating that they are available to take a recovery call or even be a sponsor or temporary sponsor.
These phone numbers are gold. A quick supportive call helps you get your head screwed on straight again. You don’t need to be feeling bad to do it – on the contrary, if you make a habit of calling one recovery person a day no matter how you feel that day, you will entrain and align to the life-protecting connectivity you need to stay sober and keep on the path to joy.
What are the types of support networks in addiction recovery?
In addiction recovery, you can differentiate your support network into different categories.
Your treatment support network is made up of professionals, therapists, and facilitators. These are people to whom you can go for their expertise in the field of recovery, trauma recovery, and/or psychology. These supports are likely to be aware of many further resources that can help you. They are good people to ask for help or to consult about a specific problem you’re facing.
You may book treatment sessions with such people or just touch base from time to time regarding how your recovery is going. An Aftercare Program is designed to keep you feeling linked with this network.
Your recovery community support network is made up of sober peers, friends, sponsors, and acquaintances from your recovery community, such as people you befriend in AA. These are people who will take your call when you’re triggered and tempted to use, who will invite you over to a sober Christmas party (and it will be fun!), or who can help you remember the wisdom of the principles of recovery.
This will eventually be the most robust, supple, and extensive part of your recovery network, a place where you can experience joy, friendship, loyalty, playfulness, inclusion, and belonging at very deep levels.
Finally, your positive friends, family, and loved ones are also part of your personal support network. The people who love you, who have known you since you were a child, who were there for you when you were ill, and who are still with you now that you are well, are also a part of your support network.
These decades-old, thick-and-thin relationships can be challenging sometimes, but they also have special qualities that no other type of relationship can ever have. If this area feels hard for you, consider that the longer we are sober, the more likely it is that these relationships get the chance of healing and repair we have always longed for. But also, some relationships are too damaging to us to keep close, and that’s ok too.
What are tips for managing your personal support network?
Support networks need some tending. In the beginning, it is normal and natural that we are needy and that we lean on our support network, taking much more than we give. That might be the case for many years, and that is ok!
Over time, though, and on days when we feel that we are resourced and balanced, it is good to think about giving back to our support network.
Taking care of our support network isn’t as altruistic as it sounds – giving back also grows our web, making it even stronger, which means it can give us even more support! A healthy support network exchanges energy, sometimes giving, taking in, much like breathing.
To give back to your treatment support network, you can participate in Aftercare Groups actively. You can volunteer, for example, to come speak and share your story at your treatment center. This helps you realize how far you have come, as well as serve as inspiration for others!
To nourish your recovery support network, you can reach out to meeting newcomers, put your name on the phone list, or sit next to new people at sober events, just being a friendly face where one is needed. When you’re ready, you can sponsor. Speaking at a meeting is also a way to give back to your recovery community.
To nourish your personal support network, you can help friends and family know that their efforts, persistence, and loyalty mean something to you. Acknowledge them when you can. Practice patience with their lack of understanding, and try to see the ways that they are giving you their love.
Villa Kali Ma builds recovery support systems
At Villa Kali Ma, we know that community is the beating heart of a living, breathing recovery. All humans need connection, relatedness, and belonging – wounded women most of all!
Through our many programs that help women recover from addiction, trauma, and mental illness, we help women restore their capacity for authentic, deep relating. We do this by addressing what got hurt, shut down, and broken in them – in their bodies and nervous systems, and their hearts.
All of our programs lead towards this purpose: helping women feel good enough on the inside again, that they can reconnect back into the web of life – heart to heart, face to face, and spirit to spirit.