The Yoruba proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” can be applied to recovery and childrearing. It takes a whole community of people to help each of us get and stay sober!
The Yoruba proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” can be applied to recovery and childrearing. It takes a whole community of people to help each of us get and stay sober!
The practice of honesty has a revered, important place in the journey of recovery from addiction. To heal any illness, we must learn how to notice and name what is currently true for us without judgment and gloss. This is especially so for addiction, mental health, and trauma recovery.
The term “California Sober” means that a person is abstinent from alcohol, addictive prescriptions, and hard drugs. In contrast with the ordinary understanding of the term “sober”, someone who is California Sober may still use marijuana.
A destination rehab is a treatment facility set in a desirable location. Destination rehabs are often built in settings naturally conducive to healing and recovery, such as by the sea, forests, the desert, or mountains.
For women struggling with substance abuse, mental illness, and/or trauma, lasting help can be found inside the supportive, healing structure of a high-quality Intensive Outpatient Program.
Intensive Outpatient Programs have many attractive benefits, but do they actually work to help people recover from addiction?
Figuring out what kind of care we need for our escalating mental health troubles can be intimidating. Amid the many approaches and pathways to mental health recovery available out there, how can we know which is the best for us? How can we avoid getting bogged down in information overload?
Recovery is nourished by truth in all forms. Liberation comes not only from heart-opening truths, the kind that melts us like butter in the sun but also from ugly, uncomfortable ones. The kinds of truths that make us squirm with a crawling unease, may be the most freeing of all.
Recovery may be a steep mountain, but it has been climbed many times before. There are maps, supplies, campsites, watering holes, and experienced mountaineers to help you make the trek.
At Villa Kali Ma, we talk a lot about healing women’s trauma. Healing women’s trauma is central to our mission of helping women recover lives of joy and meaning.