
How I Learned to Train My Mind to be Present and Banish all Negativity

I used to suffer from an extreme sense of impending doom.  I was either worrying about the future or I was filled with self-judgement and shame about the past.  I was never at peace.  I didn’t even know that peace was a possible state of mind.  I learned that through the practice of yoga and meditation, I can train my mind to dwell in the reality of my life, not the story that my mind was repeating to me over and over, ad nauseam.  

Immediately upon getting sober, reality set in, and all of the pain that I had been avoiding through self-medicating hit me like a freight train.  I was plunged into all the feelings I had been trying to keep myself from feeling or even acknowledging.  Intense regret, remorse, self-hatred, shame, and despair took over my thoughts.  All I wanted was relief from these thoughts and feelings but I knew my old ways of coping didn’t work for me anymore. 

I began learning how to train my mind by practicing yoga and meditation several times a week.  I found that during these practices I felt more calm and peaceful than any other time of the day.  I began studying the principals and philosophy of the ancient yogic teachings and adopted them as a new way of living my life. The teachings gave me a new perspective to see life from.  I learned how to dwell in the present moment, not the past or the future.

I also took an online course called “Innner Engineering” from a indian mystic named Sadhguru which really help train my mind and got me started down the path to healing my life. Then I learned to train my mind and redirect my thinking by reading books and listening to audio CD’s while driving in my car.  The one’s that helped me the most are Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power of Now” and “The New Earth”, Wayne Dyer’s “The Power of Intention”, Michael Singer’s “The Untethered Soul”, and Anita Moorjani’s “Dying to be Me”.

These teachers showed me the way to freedom from the constant barrage of negative thinking that had been my life long habit.  Through these teachings and through the practice of yoga and meditation, I now live in a completely different world from the one I used to live in.  I am able to take life on life’s terms and enjoy it.  I love my life now! Even though I don’t have everything I want, I am grateful for my most precious gift…Peace of mind!

I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes from Eckhart Tolle:

“Are you worried? Do you have many ‘what if’ thoughts? You are identified with your mind, which is projecting itself into an imaginary future situation and creating fear.  There is no way you can cope with such a situation, because it doesn’t exist. It’s a mental phantom.”

Remember…you are creating your future with your thoughts today, so make them good thoughts!!

Peace & Many Blessings,


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What You’re Looking for Is Already Inside You!

“I can tell you that what you’re looking for is already inside you.” What an amazing quote. This is what I discovered after getting sober. I had been looking for something to make me happy all my life. I tried to find happiness in things, people, places, and partying. Those things always eventually ended in pain and misery. I finally found peace, joy, and contentment when I stopped looking for it outside myself. I discovered true happiness through a connection to my spirit, my higher self, my soul. Once I began to have a loving relationship with my own soul, my whole life healed.

So quit searching outside. Quiet the mind and look within. What you’re looking for is already inside you. You already have it, you just don’t know it yet!

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I Am Not What Happened To Me

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” C.G. Jung


I spend my whole life judging myself by my past and feeling bad about myself. I was never able to change, I just kept repeating the same mistakes over and over. Finally, I discovered the spiritual path of yoga and learned that I am not the things that happened to me. I am so much more than that! I am not the mistakes I made, I am not the failures I experienced, I am a divine creator that has the power to rise above all of those things and heal. Through the practice of meditation and yoga I healed my relationship with myself, which is the most important relationship I will ever have. Through that healing I stepped into my power as spiritual warrior and conquered my addictions and dysfunctional behaviors. I now choose to be happy and healthy.. and I am!


Are you or a loved one looking into recovery? Click here to visit our site for more information. 

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