Treatment of drug and alcohol addiction can be significantly more effective when women and men are separated into same-sex cohorts, sort of like all-boys or all-girls schools.
Treatment of drug and alcohol addiction can be significantly more effective when women and men are separated into same-sex cohorts, sort of like all-boys or all-girls schools.
For many women, relationships are at the center of our lives. Partners, children, family, friends, and community are sources of meaning, joy, and purpose.
At Villa Kali Ma, we help women with mental health struggles recover lives of meaning and freedom. When trauma and addiction are a factor too, we help address all three things.
International Day of Happiness is celebrated annually on March 20th. A day of honoring happiness was established in 2013 by the United Nations as part of an initiative to include the concept of happiness in how we think of human rights and liberties.
International Women’s Day celebrates women and girls, and all we bring to the world. Celebrated once a year, International Women’s Day is dedicated to all the people in our lives who are living in female bodies. For all who experience life from the point of view and role of “woman”, this is our day.
This March, let’s celebrate women’s health. We at Villa Kali Ma extend to you all an invitation to contemplate what we feel health is, and how we value the health of our sisters, daughters, mothers, grandmothers, and friends.
Do you believe that you can have good mental health? It might seem mysterious and elusive, but mental health is an achievable goal. The psyche has a natural state of fitness that we can practice and sustain, just like physical health.
When you go to the humane society to adopt a pet, you understand you will need to care for that animal. Not only do you understand that you will need to feed it, clean up after it, and take it to the vet, but you understand also that this animal is going to need your love. Your attention. Your patience, sometimes. Your affection, certainly. This animal’s life will be in your hands.
Boundaries are so much more than statements we make to other people about what we want and don’t want. Boundaries are real, palpable membranes that exist in the subtle, felt-sensed domains of the psyche, body, and spirit.
There are many ways to look at health and well-being and different lenses through which to examine human thriving.