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Alcohol and Domestic Violence in Women

By Alcohol Addiction No Comments

Domestic violence, also called Intimate Partner Violence, is closely linked to substance use. Where substance use disorders thrive, so does domestic violence.
Domestic violence includes any behavior or action that takes place in the context of an intimate relationship, which creates harm. This can mean physical harm and sexual violence, as well as emotional harm.

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Effects of Alcohol on Women

By Alcohol Addiction No Comments

Alcohol has stronger effects on women than on men, due to biological factors like body weight and how much water women’s bodies retain compared to men. These biological distinctions explain why women can tolerate alcohol less easily and will have a higher blood alcohol level than men consuming the same amount of alcohol. Women have a higher likelihood of blacking out from drinking too much and are also more likely to experience hangovers.

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Outpatient vs Inpatient Rehab for Women

By Outpatient vs Inpatient No Comments

An outpatient program is a structured, supportive treatment setting that offers help for people who are recovering from substance addiction, mental illness, or both.

Outpatient programs and intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) represent a medium level of care. Because addiction and mental illness vary in severity, treatment is offered with greater and lesser degrees of structure, depending on how much direct care (time with a healing professional) is necessary for an ill individual to get better.

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The Whole Person Approach to Women’s Recovery

By Whole Person Approach No Comments

Women are more than their addictions. Any woman is secretly more resourceful and resilient, much larger in spirit than she may initially appear to be.
When treating someone with mental health problems, addictions, or trauma, it’s important to keep in mind the larger part of them that’s still well. Deep inside the most troubled, hurt person, there is a mysterious part that’s completely fine.

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National ADHD Awareness Month

By National Adhd Awareness Month No Comments

Here at Villa Kali Ma, we feel passionately that every woman has a right to peace of mind, body, and soul. To be distracted, disturbed, and restless is a form of misery that haunts too many of us!

Not only is it painful to live in a state of disarray and disorder, but our inattention to our inside depths robs us of the chance to glimpse the perfect beauty inside us. Only in the stillness of peace are we able to catch sight of the crystalline design that lies dormant inside our hearts!

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The Four Paths of Yoga

The Four Paths of Yoga

By Four paths of yoga No Comments

Even though we frequently fall for the illusion that happiness comes from outside of us, the truth is, that happiness is generated by our own perception.
How we choose to think about experiences we are having vastly impacts how we feel about those same events. At subtler levels, tiny perceptual impressions, interpretations, decisions, and conclusions we reached in formative moments of our lives give rise to qualities of experience now.

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make a plan of action, make a schedule, and carry a list that can help you stay sober.

Sober Summer Tips

By Sober Summer Tips No Comments

As we wind down the summer and look forward into the holidays, we can see we’re heading into a season of gatherings.
Office parties, family fêtes, holiday get togethers, old friends and group dynamics can all be rough to tolerate when we’re first stabilizing our lives. How can we keep our commitments to sobriety in the face of so many social events and festivities?

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