Holistic mental health treatment is an effective, integrative treatment approach for healing mental illness and behavioral health struggles, that’s multidisciplinary in nature and centered on restoration of coherence of being, as the main therapeutic goal.
Holistic mental health treatment weaves different strands of human life together so that mental health is considered from many different angles: not only as a product of neurochemistry and physiological conditions, but also the result of psychological, emotional, spiritual, work, and relationship conditions.
In the holistic mindset, balance and reconnection of all parts of a person, including their body, mind, spirit, and emotions, is necessary for her to become healthy. Until such a state is achieved, painful symptoms of some kind will appear in the body, mind, spirit, relationships, and/or career.
Holistic mental health treatment considers mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, or substance abuse in the context of a person’s search for wholeness. Problems with feeling good or being at peace are interpreted as information about what the person wants and needs to live a fuller, more meaningful, and more connected life.
Villa Kali Ma’s Holistic Mental Health Therapy Programs for Women: We address mind, body, and spirit
Villa Kali Ma’s innovative, holistic mental health treatment program uses a combination of evidence-based Western clinical approaches and traditional, ancient healing practices from around the globe (such as yoga, Ayurveda, acupuncture, and shamanic healing), to restore peace and happiness in the hearts, minds and bodies of women.
We provide inpatient and outpatient levels of care for treating substance abuse and co-occurring disorders holistically, as well as a mental health track.
We also have a dedicated trauma treatment facility offering cutting edge scientific approaches to resolving trauma at bio-neurological levels, fresh with insights and practices from the leading edge of the trauma field.

In each of these programs, we address the physical body and its needs, the power of the mind, the resonance of our deep emotions, the impact of close relationships, and the luminous, promising spiritual life of each woman we work with.
What are the benefits of holistic mental health treatment for women?
Holistic mental health treatment brings transformation in the way we relate to life, which has knock-on benefits to all aspects of being. Holistic mental health changes everything from how we eat to the thoughts we choose to think.
Better physical health (including healthy sleep, strong immunity, and restoration of personal energy), mental peace and focus, emotional richness and connection, creative inspiration, more meaningful work, and healthier relationships, are all associated with holistic mental health recovery approaches.
A side benefit of taking the holistic approach to mental health is that it generally leads away from dependence on doctors, treatments, and medications, and towards deeper self-reliance through attuning to the abiding spirit of health inside us. Of course, we may all need medical assistance from time to time, and that is completely fine. All the same, when possible, to live without frequent need for a doctor is a positive outcome that many of us want for ourselves, for obvious reasons.
The greatest benefit of holistic mental health treatment may be a deeper, more authentic, and satisfying life, filled with greater purpose and beauty. After holistic mental health treatment, we have more joy, emotional connection with others, and laughter, as well as an amplified capacity to feel our depths of love and tenderness without drowning there.
Because holistic mental health treatment is aiming towards wholeness, we get closer to our inherent wholeness than we may have ever been, inspired to keep going deeper and deeper in.
Holistic mental health treatment programs for women we offer
Villa Kali Ma has three main healing tracks, which can be blended together. We offer holistic addiction treatment, holistic mental health treatment, and holistic trauma treatment.
Track 1: Holistic Addiction Treatment
In our holistic addiction treatment programs, we help women detoxify their bodies (detoxifying minds and emotions too) from substances, achieve a stable state of sobriety, and do the emotional healing work that is necessary to stay sober after leaving the supervision of the treatment facility.
We work with women who are addicted to any substance or combination of substances, including alcohol, prescription pills (such as painkillers like oxycontin, anxiolytics like Klonopin, or ADHD medications), heroin/fentanyl, methamphetamines, cocaine, and/or marijuana.
As a part of treatment, everyone in our addiction programs has the opportunity to learn life skills that are necessary to live in a positive, constructive way, free of addictions and self-destructive behaviors.
This involves healing our relationship patterns (ending codependency), appropriately mourning our past, true victimization, and recovering our now-moment loving responsibility for keeping ourselves safe as adults, and developing a personal guidance system (relationship with our spirit), that really works going forward.
It is also part of the program to learn to connect in community, to learn effective ways of relating to other deeply flawed human beings, and in general to allow ourselves to unfreeze our halted development and begin to live again.
Track 2: Holistic Mental Health Treatment
In our holistic mental health treatment program, we address mental illness and its many painful symptoms that affect the minds, hearts, and bodies of women.
We accept women with a variety of mental health diagnoses, as well as undiagnosed mental and emotional pain, including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, OCD, ADHD, and PTSD.
In our holistic mental health treatment approaches, we teach women how to work effectively with the mind, to neutrally observe and change negative looping thoughts, and to have more space and peace inside. Gentle mindfulness and meditation skills are practiced in all of our programs.
We also work with women to learn to relate to their emotions as a positive, loved part of themselves, an important aspect of their own vitality and inner world. Through psychological healing in individual therapy and groups, we work on relating to the inner child with true self-recognition, love, and acceptance, giving ourselves more of the emotional nurturing we need.
With holistic mental health treatment, women learn to understand the messages that were being communicated to them by way of their unhappiness, and to respond lovingly with shifts in body, mind, and being. The upshot is a happier, stronger life, with more self-love, compassion, and insight.
Track 3: Holistic Trauma Treatment
In our dedicated holistic trauma treatment facility, we address acute and chronic traumatization effectively through the most scientifically validated approaches available to date.
We use EMDR, brain spotting, ketamine assisted psychotherapy, Parts Work, Somatic Experiencing, Trauma Releasing Exercises, Neurogenic Yoga, and more, to help women who are struggling with overwhelming trauma symptoms to recover a primal sense of safety at deep levels of body, mind, and spirit.
Repatterning of brain and nervous system pathways to resolve trauma memories, gently guiding through feeling pleasant feelings to experience safety inside the body again, and restoring a sense of being loved and important in this world, are part of the trauma healing journey we offer for women.
Villa Kali Ma can assist women with holistic mental health treatment

There are many paths to recovering wholeness, many powerful ways to speak to the body, mind, and spirit so that our core being lets us in to get to know ourselves at last.
Here at Villa Kali Ma, we braid several reliable healing paths together, into a thick rope you can grab hold of, that will lift you up to the part of you who holds the answers to your deepest questions.
For women who know the misery of addiction, the pain of mental health symptoms like depression or anxiety, and the dread and terror of trauma, we are here for you. Learn what it’s like to live on the other side of life, where gratitude and deep self-connection in community are daily experiences.