Women’s Addiction and Mental Health Treatment in San Diego County

Call (760) 350-3131 now and get the help you need.

Holistic Addiction and Trauma recovery programs that offer life-changing treatment modalities that help women navigate the path to healing, transformation and sustainable wellbeing.


Reduce fear and anxiety; nurture self-compassion, forgiveness, and discovery of yourself from within.


A positive psychology approach to cultivating emotions self-love, compassion, gratitude, forgiveness, and beyond.


Holistic mind, body, and spirit program designed to create sustainable recovery from co-occurring disorders.



The Villa

This is our specialized residential treatment center for women seeking treatment for trauma & addiction, situated on a hillside in San Diego, CA on over an acre of land surrounded by beauty and serenity. Begin your healing journey in the comfortable and homey atmosphere of Villa Kali Ma.

The Retreat

At Villa Kali Ma, we understand that trauma can have a profound impact on a woman’s life. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing a safe and supportive environment for women seeking healing and recovery. That’s why we offer The Retreat, our specialized trauma treatment center for women.

The Office

Our intensive outpatient treatment program for addiction and trauma treatment is a way to have that powerful community-based transformation, while still engaged in your life at home. Our unique program of holistic interventions addresses every level of a woman’s being, to help her find deep relief and recovery that lasts while allowing her to stay engaged with most of her normal life activities.

To speak confidentially with an admission counselor, call (760) 350-3131

Villa Kali Ma offers addiction and mental health recovery programs for women who suffer from substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. These programs are tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual, taking into consideration their specific challenges and goals. Our team of experienced professionals provide a safe and supportive environment for clients to heal and grow. Whether you are struggling with substance abuse, trauma, or other mental health issues, our evidence-based treatments will guide you towards lasting change and wellbeing.



Many experienced treatment professionals agree that gender specific residential treatment programs are more effective and create an environment that supports a higher likelihood of long term recovery. You can feel safe to open up about painful things that need to be healed when you are with other women who have also struggled with issues like addiction, trauma and depression. The opposite sex can be a big distraction and undermine your ability to stay focused on your recovery and do the deep work that recovery requires. Clearly, rehab is not a good place to meet your next boyfriend. Our holistic recovery center team here at Villa Kali Ma believes that having a supportive women only environment is vital to allowing you to dive deep into the underlying causes of your pain and suffering so that you can heal your life.


The program at Villa Kali Ma is designed to provide individualized treatment, taking into account each individual client’s specific needs. Normally, clients will meet with one of our primary therapists twice per week and one or more of our trauma therapists for EMDR or Somatic Trauma Therapy, or both, depending on each client’s specific needs. Clients will also meet with our Individual Case Manager once per week for an individual session focusing on the needs of each individual and their specific circumstances. All of these individual appointments are adjusted to meet your treatment goals that are a part of your Individualized Treatment Plan, so the type and number of appointments per week can change depending on your needs and progress however, you will have at least 4-5 individual sessions per week.


At Villa Kali Ma, our women’s addiction recovery center approaches the treatment process by doing a thorough biological, psychological and social assessment of your life situation to find out what the presenting and underlying issues are. You and your primary therapist would then discuss your short and long-term treatment goals, as well as identify your strengths and possible barriers to reaching your recovery goals. You and your therapist would then come up with an individualized treatment plan for your recovery. For some, this could begin with an initial period of 30 days and for others, this plan could be up to 90 days.

You will meet with your therapist regularly to discuss your progress and re-adjust your goals, as needed. You will also meet with our case manager weekly to help you design an aftercare recovery plan that will begin immediately upon completion of your treatment plan. Our alumni program therapist will stay in touch with you on a regular basis for a minimum of a year following treatment. You will be invited to join our monthly yoga, meditation, and breathwork groups as well as participate in our sisterhood circle, which is our weekly online alumni support group meeting.


Villa Kali Ma is an in-network provider with Healthnet, Anthem BCBS, Multiplan, and First Health. We are currently accepting most insurance plans that have PPO or out-of-network benefits. Call (760) 350-3131 for more information on cost and payment options.

rehab insurance accepted


If you are facing financial difficulty, you can apply for our financial hardship scholarship. Simply call or email us to request an application – it will need to be filled out by the person who will be responsible for payment, and will need to be sent back with documents proving financial hardship. A list of acceptable documents to provide proof will be provided. This scholarship will be granted on a case by case basis – approved applicants will also need to meet program criteria, which will be determined by a phone assessment with one of our primary therapists. Qualified scholarship applicants will receive 50% off our regular cash pay rate. If you qualify and meet criteria, but are at full capacity, you will be added to our waiting list. The wait time is usually less than one month, but could be longer. If you are interested in applying, please call us at (760) 350-3131.


Villa Kali Ma is a mind, body, and spirit holistic addiction recovery center for women offering programs that not only addresses the mental obsession to self-medicate, but goes beyond the symptoms to expose the pain that is underlying the obsession. We view this pain as sacred medicine. We do not want to numb the pain but instead we want to do the healing work that will allow the lingering emotional pain to be seen, heard, recognized and processed, so that we don’t keep holding past experiences in our cellular bodies. We do this work through proven holistic practices and modalities that allow a transformation to take place. We address the mental, physical and spiritual aspects of the past traumas that need to be healed and facilitate the healing process on all levels. We learn to care for ourselves on a daily basis with practices that relieve us of our need to self-medicate with alcohol, pills, substances, food, drama, shopping and any other self-sabotaging ways we used to cope with daily life.


We believe in different strokes for different folks. Do we love the 12-Steps? Yes, but…only when you are ready and willing to do them. If you have an aversion to the 12-Step process, we get it. At Villa Kali Ma, you will be introduced to several types of support groups available to assist you in your long-term recovery goals and we want to help you find the ones that are right for you. Each week, we will attend several different types of support group meetings so that you can begin to get an idea of what each one has to offer. Sometimes, it’s just fear of the unknown that is the holdback, and maybe you already tried the 12-Step route and it didn’t work for you. We encourage you to stay open to trying new things and if at first you don’t succeed, maybe you try again? Ultimately, it will be your decision what program you want to attend, and you will be working with our Client Care Coordinator from day one to begin designing the perfect plan for YOUR RECOVERY.

"VKM is my saving grace. I learned what self-love looks and feels like. Words could never convey how grateful I am. Thank you to everyone that makes VKM a magical place."


"VKM gave me what I needed to find self. The Yoga and Breathwork helped me release my trauma & anxiety. I am so grateful that it supercharged my outlook & ability to choose the life I want."


"The yoga and holistic modalities opened me up to my trauma more than anything I have tried before. I am so thankful I gave myself this gift of VKM"


"This is the greatest gift I have ever given myself. Villa Kali Ma brought me home to myself. I am truly transformed!"


"VKM changed and saved my life. I came in feeling lost and hopeless but left feeling confident and worthy! Their holistic approach is unlike any I've ever seen and their team inspires everyone on this journey of recovery."


"The spiritual path was the most wonderful experience I've ever experienced. VKM will forever be in my heart. Thank you."


"If you are open and willing to receive; Villa Kali Ma is where your transformation and journey will begin. Namaste."


“It was the best 30 days of my life”


Villa Kali Ma provides a holistic, supportive, therapeutic retreat for women to recover from trauma & substance disorders. The intensive and comprehensive approach provides a compassionate path of learning, awareness, and self-love for healing. I am grateful for the sacred space provided for my reflection, my mind-body-spirit work, and my opportunity to connect with other women in this process.


Villa Kali Ma changed my life in every single aspect. Not only did the experience help me get sober and stay sober for over a year now, but I was finally able to work on my past trauma in a safe and stable environment. Not a day goes by that I’m not using a healthy tool they taught me. I am forever grateful to the staff and strong women I spent my time with there. Truly the most profound life changing month of my life.



Villa Kali Ma is an in-network provider with Anthem BCBS, Multiplan, First Health, Healthnet, and currently accepts most
PPO plans with out-of-network benefits. Call (760) 350-3131 for information on cost and payment options.