I Am Not What Happened To Me

By December 13, 2015May 8th, 2024General
Spiritual Inspiration Education

I am not what happened to me am what I choose to become“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” C.G. Jung


I spend my whole life judging myself by my past and feeling bad about myself. I was never able to change, I just kept repeating the same mistakes over and over. Finally, I discovered the spiritual path of yoga and learned that I am not the things that happened to me. I am so much more than that! I am not the mistakes I made, I am not the failures I experienced, I am a divine creator that has the power to rise above all of those things and heal. Through the practice of meditation and yoga I healed my relationship with myself, which is the most important relationship I will ever have. Through that healing I stepped into my power as spiritual warrior and conquered my addictions and dysfunctional behaviors. I now choose to be happy and healthy.. and I am!


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