The Villa Kali Ma Intensive Outpatient Program for Women in San Diego provides a safe and comfortable environment for recovery.
- Community is the Cure
- Are Intensive Outpatient Programs effective?
- The Benefits of Our Intensive Outpatient Program
- Why Villa Kali Ma’s Intensive Outpatient Program
- When is an Intensive Outpatient Program recommended?
- Villa Kali Ma’s Intensive Outpatient Program: Powerful Holistic Addiction Treatment
- What is an Intensive Outpatient Program?
Connecting to a community of recovering people is the best known cure for addiction and mental health recovery.
Addiction grows strong in isolation and is weakened in the presence of loving community.
Whatever your story with your substance addiction is, healing together with other recovering women in a community setting will be an important aspect of how you find your way to freedom.
In addition to the healing power of connecting with other women in community, there are many highly impactful professional treatments and approaches which can help you get to your sobriety faster and to stay there. These comprise a library of scientific knowledge, resources, and best practices which will help you achieve and sustain recovery in your life.
Villa Kali Ma is a place where you can find healing community and engage with these many best practice approaches to recovery. Our holistic approach integrates the best of Western scientific discoveries and insights with the benefits of ancient bodies of healing knowledge such as Yoga, Shamanism and Ayurveda.
Intensive Outpatient Programs are effective for women who are reasonably motivated to get and stay sober, who are willing and able to put the work in and take the program seriously. Villa Kali Ma’s Intensive Outpatient Program provides a spectrum of services which will have high impact on your healing journey, provided you are in state in which you can participate fully, do your best to sincerely seek recovery, and commit to the transformation process.
Every woman is different, so the decision of which Level of Care is right for you is going to be a largely personal decision. In an ideal world, any woman in need of a place to recover deeply would have access to residential treatment, because as the highest level of care, it’s the most comprehensive and thorough, and will give you a very complete, well-laid start to your life in recovery.
At the same time, there are many reasons why you might instead start with an Intensive Outpatient Program. Some reasons include:
-if you cannot reasonably leave your home environment because of children or other people who need your presence;
-if your home environment is a genuinely safe, sober and pro-recovery environment in which you can easily create a rehab-like environment;
-if you just need to brush up on your recovery after relapse;
-if you are not yet so far along in your addiction and/or it is assessed that you can benefit enough from a less intense course of treatment than residential
The goal of Intensive Outpatient Programs is to maximize the quality, frequency and effectiveness of addiction treatment in a way that allows you to remain fully engaged with your daily activities and your family.
For many women, it unfortunately doesn’t feel viable to go to rehab because of their many life responsibilities. Villa Kali Ma’s IOP program can be a solution if this is your situation, because it’s designed in a way that you can stay involved in the most important of your family and work-related activities even while you are creating your sobriety.
At Villa Kali Ma’s holistic Intensive Outpatient Program, designed especially for women, you will benefit deeply from a bouquet of offerings, including:
-Holistic individual psychotherapy, using models known to be most effective for women with addiction, such as Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
-Body-based trauma therapies such EMDR, Somatic Experiencing, Tension and Release Exercises (TRE)
-Creative and rejuvenating groups including Expressive Arts, Positive Psychology, Relationships, and Spirit Medicine groups
-a rich array of indigenous and ancient wisdom offerings, including Shamanic Healing, Shamanic Journeying, Breathwork, Yoga, and Ayurvedic Healing
-Lifestyle and Nutrition Coaching
-Naturopathic Medicine, Reiki, and Craniosacral Therapy
Villa Kali Ma is a cutting edge holistic addiction treatment facility which integrates the best of all available treatment modalities, wisdom teachings, therapies, sciences, arts and activities, and body-based approaches to health.
Take aways for you will include:
-Effective tools and life skills that really work for living a safe, stable, healthy and sober life over time
-Shifts, internal changes and relief from burdens and traumas that you have carried with you for many years, which have been contributing to your need for self-medication
-Greater understanding of your life path and purpose, and how addiction has affected you
-A plan for preventing relapse and for staying connected to your support network after graduating out of Villa Kali Ma’s program
-A sense of community, hope and possibility
Considering our program? Reach out! We will help guide you through the process of deciding if Villa Kali Ma’s Intensive Outpatient Program is the right place for you to find your healing.
In most cases of serious addiction, it is recommended to start with Residential Treatment, so that you have the benefit of retreating away from normal life and all its stressors, triggers and challenges.
There are many advantages to being removed from normal life during the most vulnerable stages of your recovery when you are not able to control your own behavior very well yet. Residential Treatment protects you from returning to your habits during the time in which you are most at risk.
However, often enough Residential Treatment is simply not possible, due to factors like a need to care for children in a single parent household, or other life obligations that genuinely cannot be left for any period of time.
We would like all women to able to receive the treatment they need, even if they cannot reasonably leave their daily life duties. Villa Kali Ma’s Intensive Outpatient Program can be a solution for women in this situation to still receive a high level of care, even though they need to stay in their own home and work settings.
In some cases, Residential Treatment is not needed, as is the case when the addiction has not progressed as far, and a person is seeking treatment before things have gotten quite so bad.
It is also very common to begin with Residential Treatment and to then taper down to Intensive Outpatient Program as a transitional step, followed by Outpatient.
If you don’t know what path is best for you, don’t worry; we will help you figure that out, considering all factors.
Addiction treatment is an important part of many women’s journey to freedom. Villa Kali Ma’s powerful holistic addiction treatment connects you with tools for living life as a sober woman.
It also provides intensive psychotherapy and other healing experiences that transform you on the inside. Finally, it connects you with that community of other women who understand all the beauties and challenges of life in recovery.
Community, combined with the skills you learn and the deep inner changes you make, are what protect you and lead you towards a positive life, going forward.
Villa Kali Ma’s Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program is a way to have that powerful community-based transformation, while still engaged in your life at home. Our unique program of holistic interventions addresses every level of a woman’s being, to help her find deep relief and recovery that lasts, while allowing her to stay engaged with most of her normal life activities.
Treatment for addiction is offered at varying levels of intensity, which are called Levels of Care. The highest level of care is Residential Treatment, and the lowest level of care is Outpatient Treatment. Intensive Outpatient (IOP) can be thought of as an “in-between” Level of Care.
Villa Kali Ma’s Intensive Outpatient Program pairs the high intensity of services typically associated with Residential Treatment with the flexibility of Outpatient, in which you receive treatment while also staying in your own home environment and keeping up with your normal life.
While staying in your home environment might sound like a good thing, it’s important to understand that staying in your home environment while you undergo treatment for your addiction has pros and cons, and isn’t always advised for a variety of reasons.
The main trade-off is between the fact that most women’s home environments and lives are associated with their patterns of use, and are for that reason risky places to stay. It is essentially harder to change your patterns from home than it is to change in a safe retreat setting. Home and work aren’t always recovery-friendly environments, and tend to be filled with triggers and stressors. But sometimes we need to stay there anyway and try it that way for a variety of reasons.
Villa Kali Ma’s Intensive Outpatient Program offers as much of the Residential Treatment experience as possible while working with and around a need for remaining engaged in activities related to daily life.
Not all services will be conducted on-site. Some services require off-site travel. Clients will be scheduled for services according to availability.
Licensed by the State of California: Department of Health Care Services
Call Villa Kali Ma at (760) 350-3131 or contact us to learn about our Intensive Outpatient Program for women.