At Villa Kali Ma we awaken to our inner Warrior, to the power we have to express what’s in our hearts and become our most authentic selves. We allow ourselves to be vulnerable and speak our truth. We laugh, we cry, we let go, we heal. We gather together in daily ritual to remind us of who we are. We explore and embrace our power to become the women we are here to be. We are all Warriors of the Light. Together we form a powerful tribe and begin to transform our lives from darkness to light.
“I Am a Warrior of Light and So Are You.” By Jessica Knott
I am reposting this article because I see myself in her words. I see all my girlfriends and the women of Villa Kali Ma in these words as well.
Click here: http://www.rebellesociety.com/2015/08/30/i-am-a-warrior-of-light-so-are-you/