
Alcohol Addiction


A Guide to the Effects Alcoholic Mothers Have on Their Daughters

By Alcohol Addiction No Comments

Every woman alive is a daughter. Daughterhood is a deep and archetypal condition, a form we fill out, each in our own ways. All mothers are daughters, too. The relationship between mother and daughter is like no other. For better or worse, the mothers out of whose bodies and psyches we were forged will always be a source further upstream from us, a wellspring that feeds into our own lifestream.

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PCOS and Alcohol

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Polycystic ovary syndrome, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, (PCOS), is a common endocrine disorder affecting women in their reproductive years. The name of the syndrome comes from accompanying cysts formed on the ovaries, though the cysts are not the cause of the disorder and aren’t always present.

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Alcohol and Domestic Violence in Women

By Alcohol Addiction No Comments

Domestic violence, also called Intimate Partner Violence, is closely linked to substance use. Where substance use disorders thrive, so does domestic violence.
Domestic violence includes any behavior or action that takes place in the context of an intimate relationship, which creates harm. This can mean physical harm and sexual violence, as well as emotional harm.

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Effects of Alcohol on Women

By Alcohol Addiction No Comments

Alcohol has stronger effects on women than on men, due to biological factors like body weight and how much water women’s bodies retain compared to men. These biological distinctions explain why women can tolerate alcohol less easily and will have a higher blood alcohol level than men consuming the same amount of alcohol. Women have a higher likelihood of blacking out from drinking too much and are also more likely to experience hangovers.

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